my notes :
kimchee_07 and
hotaru_x ..
so sorry for not be able to do this and also not visiting ur LJs earlier.. *somehow feel guilty* ^^;;
i was planning on doing this sooner.. but there were always problems.
whether i was busy, don't have a will to write, or my LJ was stuck. ^^;;
(mine doesn't worth to wait to anyway.. xD )
~~~~~~~~here's the meme from
hotaru_x ~~~~~~~~~~
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I was a big fan of anime/manga when I was in Junior and Senior High School. I kinda abandon animanga fandom for DBSK right now, but animanga still have a place in my heart, because just like DBSK fandom, my love for animanga made me achieve some things, experience new things, and make friends with lots of people.
2. My interest for animanga was the one that made me want to learn Japanese language.
3. i love this color.. soft purple, since i was a kid. how do you call this color? violet?
4. My blood type is like MinSu - B TYPE.
5. I just can't get tired of Stand By U. since the first time i heard that song... until now..
6. i can't live one day without listening to musics. i guess it's just a habit..
7. the same with animanga fandom.. for me, even though we're kinda worried about DBSK right now.. but whatever happens, i wish (more like hope) for their happiness and hope that they maintain good relationship with each other. because of them, not only i'm entertained, but i also achieve lots of things and having good friends that i have right now, whether they are friends in real life or friends that i only meet in virtual life.. i'm proud being their fan, and will forever be thankful for them.
now for the tagging part...
(i'm sorry of u've been tagged before.. but even if u haven't and don't want to do this, it's okay for me..) XD
so, i tag....
erenka_y ,
chikage_chan ,
kimchee_07 ,
yuzui_junsui ,
redcherry1807 ,
agnes28 ,