no, but really.
so, i had the wonerfully bad idea of going down and getting snacks for the rest of the night/breakfast. but lo and behold, they didn't have my
hummus! it was all sold out! just after i've found this wonderful thing, its gone! blerg. i guess this means i'm heading down tomorrow morning to see if they've restocked. also, they were out of the soybean snacks that i've started to get into! so i ended up with only 60% of what i went down there for. gar gar gar.
then, on my way back up, there were some guys in front of me. now, you need special swipey cards to open the doors to either of the tower of my dorm, so its kinda common curtisy to keep the doors open if someone's right behind you. they did that for me, but then one of them stayed in the hall and held the door open so i could walk through. thanks guys, but i can catch the door if you hold it while walking through it. my arms do work. and sure, there's the whole thing about "chivalry" and such, but my guess is they also enjoyed the added bonus of checking me out, since they had to wait until i walked past them. not that i have a problem with that usually. i just didn't like the way it happened, or the type of guys that they were.
wow, i sound so angry... >.o