(no subject)

Feb 10, 2007 18:02

genked from chaoticvein

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I respond by asking you a couple personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate!
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

chaoticvein's questions

1. Do you like living in dorms better than at home with your parents?
direct, aren't we? hmmm... in all actuallity, yes. it just... more freeing. and it forces me to be independant about things like doing the dishes that i have >.o
2. What are the origins of the name "Naria Teal"?
geez, long/irrevlant story if there ever was one. so, pretty much the first comic book i ever got was a comic (but think water colors) of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. so all things considered, it was one of the first big epic books i ever "read". my sister (because i share) and i like it so much, we made up our own imaginary place and called it La Nara. we made these awesome wood signs and everything*. anyways, many years later, i was at a camp and need to make up a fake name that i'd use around the camp, and i was reminded of the place that my sister and i used to play in. however, i was rushed at the time, and mis-remembered it as "Naria". that suck, and i just began to use it online for email names and stuff. "Teal" came when i decided my rl last name didn't suit "Naria". picking "Teal" at the time was kinda random, i think... i just liked the color, and the fact that people can't really decide if its green-blue or blue-green. is kind of in the middle. so i figure the name "naria teal" fits me pretty well. (and yes, its supposed to be all lower-case)
3. What fictional character would you jump in a heartbeat if given the chance? (Borrowed from psycholullaby, because it's a great question. ^^)
TV: Jess Mariano/Peter Patrelli (both played by my favorite actor Milo Ventimigilla).
Anime/Manga: Son Goku from Saiyuki, but only under very special circumstances (i love him, but i also want to be him :/). Otherwise, there are plenty of hawt bishies out there, i don't know who to pick i'd have to think on it a bit. but, yes, goku ish my 1st love.
4. What is one personal dream/goal of yours? (It can be big or small.)
... why would you ask this? >P ummm... well, i've had this kind of obscure dream/goal/vision of my future for a long time now. i'm living by myself in a modest but nice apartment in a big glistening city. i can work from home or go into the office, and set things on my schedual. i have friends that i hang out with, but am also able to just relax at home on my comp. of course, if i really modifyed it, it'd be in either tokyo or kyoto, my job would have to do with translating, my firends and i would spend too much money on karaoke, and i'd have a few more gaming platforms besides my comp and ps2. and i'd have a futon x3
5. Why Beastmaster? ;D
because its such a mystery... they're not really in the other games (yeah, where did they come from?), and also, its not one of the "taken" ones. as in, kaitou has always been healer/summer lover, you've leaned pirate/dragoon for a while, etc, etc. i have always like theif, (as, duh, thats what i started out as), but had no interest in ninja (because i don't care for the stigma). i also didn't care for paladin or samurai, and i can't do any of the ones from the new expansion pack, so... yeah. also, i love chocos waaaay too much, and i felt, hey, wouldn't it be cool to be able to work with more than just them? hence, beastmaster. i'm soooooo getting a sheep asap :D

* mina, if you go stand outside on the kitchen porch, facing south (kitchen is to your right), in the trees on your left the signs should still be there. there's two on one tree. one was the name, and the other was the flag. i think there's a good chance they're gone now, though ;.;

o.o dang those are long answers...

nt out

games, ffxi, heroes, randomness!, goku

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