so, today. busy. semi-productive. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
or, i mean, wii?
its been a week since i got my wisdom teeth out.
so i had to go get it all checked out by the ortho people, and see if i was healing properly.
and i am! go me!
except i've still got one stich left, and it hurts... ugh.
yeah, i know you guys clicked that cut because you thought it had something to do with games.
*a hem*
got me grades today.
3.5 average
so, nt went shopping.
with her father.
just to let you know, i get all my utilitarianism-ness from my dad.
so when we shop together for other people, it starts to come down to "oh, will this stove burner cover conduct heat better than that one? what about the non-stick coating? is it dishwasher safe?" (my mom loves to cook).
i mean, we did walk though three jewerly stores, but barely even looked.
nothing seemed useful in there.
what? don't look at me that way...
but here's the cool part: sometimes, dad would be buying something, at, say, target, and the line would be really long, so i'd just wander off to the game department or the nearest eb games in the mall and lo and behold, there'd be a ds test model there!
so, of course, being the gamerwannabe that i am, i played them.
way fun. as in, yes please!
the nice thing is that my parents want to get me one "bigger" gift this year, along with the books and dvds i asked for.
can you say ds (lite)?
the hitch: my dad, and even my mom, have been against gaming.
i mean, my mom did finally cave and facilitate the giving of the ps2 last year and out and out gave my ffxi, but she has said no ds.
my dad is still against all gaming. stupid utilitarianism...
i think the ds would be perfect for me because i missed out on all those awesome old games. such as all the mario games. and kirby. etc, etc, et cetera.
the only hand held i have is the gameboy color
kaitouhotaru gave me for my 17th birthday/xmas with pokemon. red, of course.
but still, i wanna play the older stuff! and i want cute! with ps2 and sony, its hard to get cute! with nintendo, they have a freaking copyright on it!!!
*a hem*
in the end, i have decided to abstian. from the gift, you dorks. not sex. (if you are a hawt male well, i'm so desparate that the hawt isn't so important, please attack me.) i talked to m'rents and we've decided that the money will go towards my plane ticket to japan.
sidenote: i accidentally dressed like a pirate/robin hood today, but i don't think anyone at the mall noticed. they were all too busy avoiding the huge amounts of emo kids...
now for a funny story: getting mom a few things in barns and nobel.
i had one item in my hot little hands while dad had three of another kind, and went to the check out, blah-de-blah, he checked out and i looked at some stuff nearby, as we nearly had a routine down.
we continued to walk around the mall for a bit, and then finally we made it out of the mall.
thats when i realized that we never paid for my item! we didn't even set off the alarms or anything! just walked right out with it!
*shakes head*
being the nice citizens we are, we went back and paid for it, but man! the security at those places sucks!!
and then i got really tired and we returned home after, oh, SIX HOURS!
i wanna read death note.
i've also paid alot of money to tokyo pop though the years, so i was wondering if i could get it, you know, that other way...
i've checked the main three places listed
here, but no dice. please help?
i will keep bothering you people until i get answers! gar!
actually, i think all i need is the first volume, to see if i want to read it, but yeah, send some my way!
and yes, i think this sudden turn of feeling is linked to
the madonna post. but more likely, i really want know if mello's ass is that fabulous. um no. trying agian. more likely, i really want to know whats up with all the chocolate. hrm. still not getting it. probably... i just want to be hated?
anyways, give!