"Dearly Beloved, are you listening? I can't remember a word that you were saying..."

Oct 11, 2009 18:49

Oh hey, LJ. I don't know why my posting has slowly died off over the last year, but alas, it has. I find LJ a useful tool for looking back, though, so I still feel the urge to attempt to post. Most recently I felt this way because I went to a concert, and I realized I've documented every concert I've ever been to (basically) on here...can't stop now!

So! I went to see blink-182 on their reunion tour Wednesday. Originally, the concert was scheduled for late September, but because the shows just prior to the 4th or so of September got cancelled due to the loss of DJ AM (RIP), our show and the one in NC got rescheduled. Also, because of this, Fall Out Boy was unable to attend our show, which was lame, especially because another band scheduled, All-American Rejects, also couldn't attend because of some injury/illness of their lead singer. So this left us with blink, the other scheduled act Asher Roth (sigh), and an added band called Valencia whom Meg and Brittany have interacted with at Warped Tour, haha.

But anyway. I enjoyed Valencia well enough, particularly their first two or so songs. Asher Roth was...Asher Roth, and I didn't really enjoy that, though it was amusing because he/they got pranked twice by blink. Once, blink made the curtain fall in front of them while they were playing, and then...they sent out male strippers to them. It was amusing. And then blink. I've never been a big fan, I'm not really a fan of the whole style and I already have a low tolerance for most upbeat pop/punk/rock music (I'm too attached to classic rock). But. Brittany is a pretty big fan, so that's the reason we were going to this, and I've listened to them in the car with her, so that built up my appreciation some. And then I enjoy most music that Meg and Brittany are more fond of much more when I experience it live, so...I did end up enjoying them, and I've come to appreciate them more, though I doubt I'll ever be much of an active fan.

Besides posting about that, I guess I'll say a few words on this semester, since I have yet to do so. I'm taking Roman Culture (CLAS 1010); Elementary Japanese I (JPNS 1001); Intro to Judaism, Christiany, and Islam (RELI 1001); and Intermediate Latin II (LATN 2002). Taking Japanese and Latin at the same time is no where near as hard as I though it would be, mainly because I'm at such drastically different levels in both. But as it is, I'm fine, and I'm quite enjoying Japanese. The writing system has been a really different thing to tackle, and my Linguistics nerd is happy-go-lucky getting so far away from Western languages. Latin is Latin, same old situation as ever. Roman Culture is a lot of what I've heard before and some new stuff, but it's all right. And religion kind of makes me feel like I'm in an old school social studies class, haha, but not really. It's more interesting than I'd thought it would be...somewhat, anyway.

Other things...my niece is love. Adorable. And growing up, too far away! My brother (found Jesus) quit his job and moved to London, and is staying with my family while he does this gap year program coaching school kids in soccer through Arsenal. He's there for a while and then going to another country for a while after this training time, but he'll be gone for at least a year. No telling if he'll decide to come back, but yeah, I'm really happy for him. Uhh...I'm living in a four bedroom, four bath apartment instead of a dorm. Yay for my own bathroom and a kitchen and a door to shut people out :D I drive much more now. Good and bad thing, probably (HATE DRIVING). I'm watching lots of tv shows right now - it's a bit mad. I'm going to England for the first time in over two years for a brief visit during Thanksgiving, leaving November 20th, coming back on the 30th. I'm going to see John Barrowman in La Cage Aux Folles while I'm there, and I'm very excited for that and just to see my family, including my brother this time, haha.

Anyway. I had two tests on Friday, following one on Thursday and getting home in the wee hours of Thurs from that concert, and I've been feeling a bit drained since, eheh. I think things will be quiet for a short while now, besides my crazy going home schedule for the next three weeks. Going to see Where the Wild Things Are Friday! And that's all for now. Nice seeing you again.


happenings, college, concert, friendness, blah, family

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