"Hold on to that fee-ee-eeling..."

Jul 28, 2009 02:10

Okay, so I guess I'm going to do my Comic-Con post [sigh], haha. So much stuff.

So we left to go to preview night, Wednesday, around three or so. We basically didn't have to wait at all this year, since we were so early. Got in, got our passes, and then had several hours to blow, since they don't open the exhibition hall until six. So we sat and looked at the programming guide and such. Closer to when it opened we decided to get up and walk around to some escalators since we didn't quite know how this being early thing worked, haha. Turns out half of this huge line we passed that we all thought was for the special preview night screenings was the line just for the escalator to go down when the time came. It was a bit ridiculous, so we just chilled near the front of the line, then watched it move [never-endingly] once they opened the exhibit hall...eventually we gave up and went back aways and merged.

We wandered the exhibit hall for maybe an hour before we left. We were going to try for the WB's giant bags again [they do a different one every day], but the line was ridiculous, so we didn't bother...even though they were HP ones :( There wasn't as much free stuff this year, I don't think - we blame the economy. Mostly we were just scouting the layout and things to buy...the only thing I actually bought though was my ticket and picture for John Barrowman to sign, figured might as well.

Thursday we got up at eight something to go get in line for the huge Hall H, for the Disney 3D panel featuring among other things Alice in Wonderland with Tim Burton...we got there at maybe nine, and the line had already filled the grassy area beside the hall and crossed the street and then extended for a while. We thought we were okay, since last year we still got into Lost when the line for that filled the grassy area, went the length of the convention center, crossed the street, and extended further past the Mariott almost to the next hotel and then wrapped a little. And the room does seat 6600 or something. So we waited for two hours, and our part of the line didn't start moving until maybe twenty minutes until the panel. It hit eleven, and we were confused but thought it might be running late. But no, we waited until almost twelve, and were in the next little line to go in when a guy came out and said we wouldn't be getting in for this panel. We were pissed. Especially when later we learned that Johnny Depp had appeared for like five seconds. But we decided it was entirely the Twilight-ers fault, because they had camped out and packed the line even though their panel was the third of the day, ours the first. Jerks. [I will never forgive them!]

We remained pissed off, and left the line to go into the exhibit hall. I bought a Jack, Ianto, and Gwen TW poster and a ticket/pic for Naoko Mori [Tosh from TW]'s signing (totally didn't know she was going to be there) and Alex and I bought this set of Studio Ghibli keychains to split between us [I have a tree spirit, a soot monster, and Totoro]. We didn't stay in there long, because we were too agitated for the crazy crowds, so we went upstairs sometime around twelve and just went to sit in the room our 3:45 panel was going to be in.

We walked in on one panel, Quantum Quest or something, and then there was some "Wonder Women" panel hosted by Entertainment Weekly, about strong women in sci-fi or something. But we were pleasantly surprised because it featured Eliza Dushku [from Buffy/Dollhouse], Zoe Saldana [Uhura from New Trek], Elizabeth Mitchell [Juliet from Lost], and Sigourney Weaver. We were like o.o Haha. That was interesting. And then there was the USA Burn Notice panel, which was terribly amusing [though we'd never watched the show] because Bruce Campbell of the Evil Dead trilogy was part of it, and he was just hilarious. Some guy screamed I love you at him and he was like, come up here - and gave him money, haha. So yeah, we were surprised and entertained by those panels.

Then came the panel we were waiting for, USA's Psych panel. We heart that show, haha - it can be quite ridiculous and amusing. It featured almost the entire cast - Shawn, Gus, Lassiter, Jules, and Shawn's dad, so we were exciting. We got to see some preview-ness for the new season that starts at the beginning of August, and the Q&A was interesting. At one point Dule Hill [Gus] got up and tap-danced, haha.

After that, we went back to the exhibit hall for a brief pass, to see if would could maybe get the WB gigantabag for the day. The line wasn't too terrible but it's so awkward and packed around the huge WB booth, it just doesn't work well. So at one point they were trying to work the line out and it fell apart, and we took advantage and just got in, not too far from where you got the bags. We didn't care anymore, we would've waited, but we decided it was karma for our Twilight-induced trauma of the morning. Thus triumphant, we left for the day, haha.

Friday we were smarter, and got up at six-thirty and left by seven. We were in line for the big Hall H again by 7:25, for the 10:00 WB panel [and the following 12:45 Disney Animation panel]. We were pretty far up too, the fourth line in the green area. We ended up pretty close, in the second rows of sections, vaguely centered. The only movies we really knew about going into the panel were Where the Wild Things Are and Sherlock Holmes. The little boy from WTWTA came out to introduce some clips, and we saw quite a bit. It looks pretty great :D Then they started doing stuff for the next film, The Book of Eli. And they brought out Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, and Mila Kunis, and we were like HOLY SHIT, haha. Denzel's won an Oscar, he's freaking huge. And I heeeart Gary Oldman <3 I don't really know how I thought the movie looked though, haha. Then they did stuff for The Box, a movie made by the guy who did Donnie Darko. It looked kind of stupid. But who knows, haha. Anyway, for that they had Cameron Diaz and James Marsden [Cyclops from X-Men], so we were again surprised, haha. Then they did Jonah Hex, which looked over the top, haha. For that they had Josh Brolin, Megan Fox, and some other dude. Josh Brolin was a bit crazy, and people were gushing over Megan Fox...one guy said something really distateful to her, and got booed. Then they went to start stuff for Sherlock Holmes, and Robert Downey Jr. came out <333 We saw clips, they brought out Rachel McAdams as well, and they talked about the details of how they were handling this new version and story of Holmes. I think I'll enjoy that, heh.

After that came time for the Disney panel, and we got 3D glasses since they equipped that room for it this year. It was pretty awesome, they announced they're making Toy Story and Toy Story 2 into 3D and showing them as a double feature, and showed us scenes. They talked a little bit about Toy Story 3, and then they said they were doing Beauty and the Beast in 3D as well, and showed a scene from that. It looked beautiful, haha. I had a moment of Disney childhood wonder. Then they talked about a Christmas movie they're going to do for ABC Family called Prep and Landing, about the elves who go and prepare the house for Santa's arrival, haha. It looked good. And then they talked about their next movie, the first hand-drawn one in years, The Princess and the Frog. We got to see two scenes from it, and it looks good :D Set in 1920s Louisiana <3 There's a Cajun fireflower and a Jazz playing alligator and such, heh. After that, they brought out the phenonemal Hayao Miyazaki. We were very excited about that, haha. We got to see a scene from his new movie Ponyo, and it was just pretty epic.

We were meant to go to the Bones panel shortly after that [with David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel], followed by the Dollhouse panel, but Disney went over, and we didn't want to miss Miyazaki. But it was all good, because it'd been a good day, I'd already seen David Boreanaz last year, and we didn't expect too much excitement from those panels anyway. So we went around and finally took these swag tickets we got from the Burn Notice and Psych panels previously to the fulfillment room [Thursday the lines were ridiculous] and got our Burn Notice t-shirt [in large, eheh], and our Psych t-shirt [also large], mini-comic, and magic eight ball [which is pretty awesome]. Then we went around the corner and chose a random bit of wall to sit and eat our sack lunches and drink our juice boxes, haha.

While we were sitting, we noticed press people sitting and waiting in chairs outside the rooms across from us, and one door was behind a curtain. After a while, I heard someone shout out, "Cameron!" and I looked up to see Cameron Diaz walking swiftly from behind the curtain, not ten feet from me, haha. I was like ALEX. So we preceeded to watch as we ate, and next we saw Eliza Dushku of Buffy/Dollhouse fame...she walked three feet in front of us. Then Paul Bettany, who we assume was there for Ironman II. After that we noticed Alan Tudyk, that spazzy actor recently from Dollhouse [you'd recognize him] walking, all incognito in his sunglasses and cap. After a little while we decided to stop being creepy and get up to go back down to the exhibit hall, but at the same moment we stood up I noticed Alan Tudyk coming back from the direction he went in...so we decided, he's going our way, STALKER TIME. So we followed behind him giggling, then went WAIT, camera. And as we were nearing the escalators Alex started recording a video, haha. We decided to stop then though, because...we were stalking. But he got on the escalator beside ours, haha, and we saw him leave as we reached the bottom.

Then we proceeded to go to the exhibit hall and spend about a hundred dollars between us in less than five minutes, haha. We stopped by a DW/TW action figure booth since I had been pondering buying the Face of Boe [but he was $30 and I decided to get him later for cheaper online], and instead saw the Doctor's sonic screwdriver and Jack's vortex manipulator packaged together for twenty, and decided to buy them together and each take one [I got the wriststrap]. After that we went to buy these flashdrives called mimobots that are like little characters. They have a whole Star Wars line, and some tokidoki and original artists ones. I got a tokidoki one called Mr. Phantom X, and Alex got the limited edition Comic-Con Star Wars one - Darth Vader with Luke's face under it. Mine's 4GB and hers is 8, and that was about 80 bucks right there [the limited edition was ten more than the regular 8GB price].

Saturday we got up at the same time to come and get in line for Lost. Our spot ended up being, after we were condensed, somewhere less than half-way back in the grassy area. We got there a little before eight for the eleven o'clock panel, so we waited. Alex's older cousin met up with us, and then her brother and his friend a little later. We ended up pretty far back once we were actually in the panel, but we settled on those seats since there were five of us, and we weren't going to get many options, so we saw in front of one of the screens hanging from the ceiling. The panel was quite amusing, haha, they showed some fan made things like a Jack/Sawyer fanvid, and did a gimmicky thing about locking up the script for the final scene of the show. Originally it was just the producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse again, but they had Jorge Garcia, Hurley, come up during the fan Q&A to ask a silly question, and then had Michael Emerson, Ben, come up to comment on what he was doing. Later James Ford, Sawyer, came out, and then Nestor Carbonell, Richard [they did a skit with him and eyeliner because he looks like he wears it]...and at the very end, Dominic Monaghan, Charlie [or Merry from LOTR!]...because they've been hinting his character [my favourite!] will be back <333 [He died].

Anyway, Alex wasn't feeling well, so we decided to just go and get my autographs done and then leave, instead of waiting around forever for the Fringe panel way later, that we were already indecisive about. So we fought our way over there since it was noon on probably the busiest day, and I gave Alex my camera to be at the ready. John Barrowman was sitting there with his partner Scott Gill [his manager was there previously so I thought it was a bit neater this day], and I gave him the photo to sign [Alex was taking pics], and he could personalize it this year [couldn't last, don't know what changed] so I showed him my name tag and he was like, "Cay-llie?" - pronounced it wrong, haha. So I corrected him, and then asked if I could get a pic with him, and we both leaned over a bit awkwardly for it, heh - I touched his arm lightly for balance :P Then we went over to Naoko Mori and her bouncer or something was like, this was last her one, she's going to go for lunch and be back...and I was like D: because Alex really didn't feel well, and I wouldn't want to make her wait, and then it was the last day they were doing the signing. But then I looked over and Naoko was going - "one more...just one more," all trying to convince him. I was like YOU ARE AWESOME. Haha. [I later found out that Alex had put on her sickly face - not even really acted 'cause she was really ugh - and Naoko looked right at her for it, haha, so we think that was the winning factor.] She actually started making conversation with me right away, haha, and I mentioned we came from Lost, and we babbled for a few seconds about that, before Alex took our picture. So Naoko's officially awesome now :D

After that...Alex dragged herself home, eheh [our traveling process was walking ten or so minutes to the trolley, taking it, waiting to be picked up and driven back to her house], and then we proceeded to get her some drugs and take a pretty decent nap before some of her family came over.

Sunday we got up the same time, got there a little bit later due to traveling details, and were in line for Doctor Who by eight. The line was already pretty long, more than we probably expected. We sat and did a rousing crossword puzzle together, haha. We got in pretty quickly after it firsted started moving, and ended up with seats in the last row of the front sections, on the left. Alex and I had brought our various gadgets, and she shined it up and you could actually see the light of the sonic screwdriver on the ceiling of the ballroom - which is really high, higher than a movie theatre or anything. Heheh. But yeah. We waited, and then there came Russell T Davies, Euros Lyn, Julie Gardner - and David Tennant. You bet we screamed, haha. He's adorable. One of the first things they did was show the trailer for The End of Time, Ten's last special. Ohmygod, so exciting. We were like, oh look, Donna and then - MAAAAAAAAAAASTEEEEEEEER. <333 There was constant loud cheering, haha, and then David was like, I think we should see it again, haha. So yeah. We were reeeally geeking out. It was a fun panel, and then right before they left, they aired the trailer for the Waters of Mars...which didn't make sense to me, haha, showing them in reverse order, but whatever. So much love. DT is awesome.

After that we decided to just stay in there since we didn't have anything pressing to do and didn't want to have to possibly fight to get back in. So we moved up maybe seven rows until we had pretty great seats on the aisle and then sat through several panels, one regular length and three half-hour ones. First was American Dad [Alex wasn't too happy since she kind of has a grudge against Family Guy/Seth MacFarlane]...it was insane, they basically did their upcoming Christmas special for us. They did a reading of the first act [which was just surreal, watching that], showed an animated storyboard [animatic, they said] of the second, and then showed the finished third. It was - insane. It dealt with the Rapture and the Apocalypse and had Jesus fighting the Anti-Christ. We were like o.o Then there was the Paper Heart panel, with Charlene Yi, a quasi-documentary/movie about love. It was a bit insane, and they had a guy ask Charlyne Yi to show us her penis...and she got confrontational and she was like, I have a VAGINA and proceeded to stand up - revealing she had a large penis strapped on, haha. We were like O.ooooo but it was hilarious. Anyway, the movie looked interesting - it has Michael Cera in it, too. And at the end, she threw [per request] the penis into the audience. Then there was this Mystery Team thing, that started as a sketch comedy thing online, and is now going to be a movie. It was kind of interesting, and they had one of their guys wearing a ridiculous moustache and stuff and acting ridiculous, pretending he had hit his head recently. They were pretty funny. After that was Alien Trespass, a 50s style alien movie - not a spoof, it's given straight, but it ends up being funny anyway. Eric McCormick was there for it [Will from Will & Grace].

Then, finally, it was time for the combined Being Human/Torchwood panel. I think I'll end up watching Being Human. They had the three main characters there and showed a lot of footage. They were quite fun, particularly Russell Tovey, who kept joking. That was a good time. For Torchwood, people were surprisingly civil, thank God. There was a moment at the beginning when people said "We - We want - We want Ianto Back" or something, and then booing when Ianto's death was first mentioned, and maybe two times when people yelled "We blame Russell," but overall it wasn't tense or anything. And Russell was like, that's okay, blame me. John was of course silly and amusing and a bit outrageous and cheeky. He kept calling Euros hot [John said whenever he was silly Euros would ignore it and just be all serious and like...Moving on.], and one time he told the moderator, "Don't worry, you're hot too," and totally made the guy blush and have to pause for a second, haha. I thought the questions were good and all of them are good speakers, so there were good answers. It was adorable when JB talked about finding out about Jack's actions and worrying that people wouldn't like Jack anymore, haha. I could ramble, but I think I'll cut that off there, haha. [I think John looks particularly good this year :)]

After that we went and redeemed our American Dad tickets - we got four pins - then went to the exhibit hall for a last pass. Alex bought one of those Voodoo doll things, called Lucky - who looks quite like Buddha, haha. When we decided to call it quits, I noticed a DW shirt on the way out, so we stopped. Alex noticed another that was a TARDIS one, but it was sold out except for like, an XL. So I decided to get the first one, with Ten on it and various season three creatures in the background. Alex got one to cash in on the deal, a Blackest Night one from the recent, pretty sweet Green Lantern storyline. The guy was pleased with us buying two and said something like the Comic gods were smiling down on us. Alex says perhaps they were, since after we had left [sadly! :(((] and got off the trolley, Alex's mom was just getting there, and when we got in the car, Don't Stop Believin' was playing, haha.

Anyway. That's my second Comic-Con experience. [My last for a while, probably, my mom said no next year]. It was even more busy/crowded and such this year. We saw more celebrities. I now have gotten 3/5 of the former Torchwood team's autographs, haha. I don't know if I'd call it better, but it was certainly great and fangirl-pleasing. And Alex is going to sleep so that's all I'm saying, haha. Gotta go home tomorrow.


comic-con, fandom, trip, friendness

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