let the whining begin

Dec 29, 2005 23:50

welcome to the country:
i had an antirely fried lunch. three different items, all fried.
i was the butchest female at the mall today.
i have seen more taxedermied critters than i care to see.
i have eaten fish for four of the seven dinners ive had in florida.
i must have watched satellite television for seven hours straight yesterday.
there is a gorgeous sky full of stars outside that i cant get to because i dont know how to work the damn security alarm.
my father actually asked my stepmother to "guess the color" of the girl who messed up our pizza order last night.
im stuck here until sunday.
my dad and stepmom go to bed at 8pm every night.
im knitting so much that my hands are cramped, i might be getting tendenitis.
the dial-up connection here is unbelievably slow.
today i bought DVD-R's to copy some movies and it turns out that even though there is a dvd burner on the computer that does not ensure that there is a program to burn the dvd's with.
my nephew can watch power rangers nonstop, and can throw the most fierce tantrum ive seen in a long time.
im over this redneck, all-american, meat-eating, consumeristic, super-walmart shoppin, camouflage wearin, highly heterosexist, extremely gendered, republican, wasteful, racist town. phew.
oh, and my grandfather appearantly might have cancer in his lungs so i've been highly encourage to skip the gainesville new years festivities in order to go to daytona to see him for what may be the last time.

and my mom told me yesterday that im selfish and ungrateful for asking her to help me get around while im here.

i miss san fran.
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