Aug 16, 2006 01:47
Its always a "while" since you've posted Nick, why don't you just stop saying that at the be=gingin o fo your posts. I can't explain why it takes me so long to come back to the heart of my feelings and all the juk that has piled up in my mind. I hope to get rid of some of it so I can have clarfity again. Not that that comes so foten that I am used to it when it comes, I am not. I am too. I am not. i feel a rythm in my spirit, and right now My spirit is hungry. people change and I fell that sometimes I stay the same. How ironic, one whoes just radicated a prior triat. This rythm is uncomfortable at times because its not even. Its uneven and takes to time to get into when your off track. I want to be on track all the time and now that seems so hard. Just like every other time. but it shouldn't be easy or everyone would be doing it. and not that if everybody doing it would result in anyting negative, but , yeah I never really understood that one. I went rock climbing and enjoyed it. its been so long since this and that and blah blah blah. I am almost chocked that I am going to school. I really am doing school this semester for the heck of it and to get some money out of the state. Honest to God I know that I want to learn spanish and very little else from an academic environment. Just gimme fiction and I'll play along. Play along to the notes that come out so fluid it feels like water running down a smooth shaven jaw line. I can sit and think but intil I release my miond from the concious I will have no luck in sucessfull nonsoesnse. so her goes the pin it dropped of te empire state building and is now falling twisting and spiraling down down down down to the ocean floor that is surfacing at three stories high, can you tell that this pin will float until it hits the surface ? no/ no wy of konwing. there are over a million pins at the bottom of this floor bu tonly one will float.
can't you just stop the sea from tiding. Can't you stop the sun from turing. I know on ewho can, but you wouldn't be interested in that after I told you would you. Well if I were to climb a tree to the very top and look out over th vast expacse that is the world as I can see it, then I would tell you that everything I see is a perfect creation with aperfect plan and this seems to irrelevant to communicate over this silly little blog. But I know that I ahve never invested much time into otehr blogs , becaouse I value the lack of reading on this one. This one is less known. I sometimes just wish I could swim in his love all the time. I sometimes wish I was stronger for battle. I want to fight. i want to be ready. I want to love. very much. I can't believe how much love I see around me and how much I take for granted. the greatest commmandment taken for granted? How could I? I thank him now for Love, for His Love for my Love. Time will always float on subtly like gossip behind your ears.
I want to be more real
Not to earth.
To my bridegroom.
He is to me, the alpha and omega.