Feeling better-ish stuff

Jan 31, 2008 07:32

Well, I can honestly say I’m feeling less worn out this week than I was last. I’ve managed to get a bit more sleep the past couple days, I took last Friday off too and spent much of the day sleeping, which helped a lot. The weekend with my boyfriend was nice though not overly restful. :p We went to a bakery down the street which had just opened, by the time we got back to my place I was pooped out and ready for a nap. Alas, it took him awhile to figure out that I really, really just wanted to sleep then (even though I had flopped down in bed as soon as we got back). LOL, it reminded me of a Calvin & Hobbes strip I read. It’s the one where Calvin wakes up in the morning and Hobbes is right in his face, startling Calvin awake.  Hobbes is just happy Calvin is awake again.

Yep, my boyfriend misses me while I sleep. Silly man.

In other news, I demand that there be plushies of TF: Animated Bumblebee. He is so adorable! ^___^ It’ll be a crime if he doesn’t get a plushie, I tell you. Love, so much love.  ^_____^

EDIT: Okay, LJ absolutely refuses to let me post the entry properly, I'll post again later. 

transformers, boyfriend

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