Title: Star Trek: Two Hearts, One Soul
Chapter(s): 3-?
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, Scotty/Uhura
Summary: The Federation is at risk of collapse as is Starfleet. Post STID.
Previous Chapter:
http://naomiphoenix.livejournal.com/7678.html Chapter Two
Unfortunately, all those who had also chosen to seek a peaceful solution had come to the same sad conclusion.
“Not all seek peace and Knowledge,” Sarek had said shortly before the second meeting began.
“My fellows, while those who have sort a peaceful solution have learned there may be none, that is no reason to become despondent,” Began President Tilney, “Those who have chosen to forecast the outcome of War have come to the conclusion that we stand a great chance of the conflict lasting only two-to-three years. Additionally, if evacuation of outlying colonies were to begin shortly, we would experience minimal loss of life.” Her next words were drowned out as klaxons began to blare throughout the building. The Presidential Guard burst through the doors moments later. As she was being swept from the Hall a voice come over the internal comm system.
“This is not a drill. Warning! Explosive device detected. Possibly of decompression. Please evacuate to lower levels Repeat, this is not a drill.”
All but seven obeyed. A screen outside the door showed the location of the evacuation routes and with a bit of coaxing from Chekov, the location of the explosive device. Several of Babel’s own Security Force were already present when they arrived. Time stretched out, one minute, then two as they assisted in the methodical tearing apart of the unused lounge.
“Here,” Scotty called as he tried to push aside a heavy bookshelf, behind which was hidden some grating. Spock and Jim each took a side, lifting it out of the way. One of the Security Officers scanned it without moving the grating.
“Two chambers inside filled with an inert liquid chemical. Some sort of solid compound had been dropped into it and it being dissolved.”
“Z’tansic Acid. The solid matter is Drev’shot, inside that is what they refer to as ‘Done’ dust. Two stage chemical process resulting in abouta hundred metre diameter sphere of nothing, ‘cause the explosion reaches temperatures of eight thousands degrees Celsius. It cannae be physically moved, that’ll only speed up the process,” added Scotty.
“Can we bean it out?”
“It’s risky. We’d have to drop our shields for your ship to be able to get a lock. We’ll be open to attack.”
“Should there be a cloaked ship in waiting, there are twenty-four Starfleet vessels in orbit.”
“Order it,” the Security Officer said to a companion.
“Kirk to Enterprise. Prepare for Emergency beam out on my mark. Lock onto this comm’s signal and the device I’m going to place it on and beam it as far away as possible.”
“Transporter ready on your mark, Captain,” Transporter Chief Doohan replied.
Scotty’s fingers slipped twice trying to get a grip on the grate, having no nails to pry it out. Uhura stepped in and had it off in seconds. Jim slipped the comm on while most of the room held its breath. “Mark.”
"Object decompressed on reintegration, Captain," the Transporter Chiefs voice came again, over Jim's boom, which had fallen to the ground when the transport happened.
"He used de new pwogwam ve had been working on," commented Chekov.
"I noticed. Very nice Mr Chekov. Thank you Mr Doohan."
"Okay, I think I get why the Enterprise is referred to as the insane asylum. That lot are nuts running to the bomb, rather than away from it."
"Completely against regs. You get ordered to evacuate, you evacuate."
"The Admiralty either gonna reward them or demote them back to Ensigns."
"I don't think Kirk ever was an Ensign."
The room hushed as the Enterprise Seven appeared alongside the Admirals and Babel Security. "Thank you again for your help. I've already sent a recommendation to my superiors saying we either a bomb disposal unit or the training to deal with them."
"If ya like, I can send ya some protocols to refine your search program, make it a bit easier to locate 'em n future," Scotty replied.
"Much appreciated," the Security Officer, shook his hand.
"Gentlebeings, if you could all return to the Hall we will continue with the meeting," Admiral Barrett announced.
"Normal for Enterprise is different to normal for the rest of the fleet." This would become almost a daily quote.
"Okay, they saved lives and stopped property damage. But if any of us were to go into a situation like that after being ordered to evacuate, we'd have our added handed to us."
"Look at them. Cool as an Andorian Spring."
"Have you noticed that the Captain and the Commander have a sort of synchronicity to their movements?"
"No, Enterprise."
"Well, they are the best Command team in the fleet. All our Captain does is whine that Enterprise gets all the good assignments."
"They so don't. They get the freaky and weird ones. Do you really want that?"
"Well, it would be more interesting then monitoring Klingon transmissions and calculating trajectories or comets."
"I think that's what the rest of the Enterprise crew does. It's just the Command Crew that gets all the weird shit."
To: Enterprise Command Team
From: Babel Security Team
Investigation of bomb location has located Klingon DNA. Possibly of Bomber having scratched his/her hand but pattern of blood does not match. Could use some more heads on this. Interested?
Security Officer S'A'le met them in the lounge after their meeting.
"You see, a normal pattern to a scratch is a sort of a swept look,” S’A’le swept his fingers across the surface of his PADD to show them. “But this is the pattern we found in the blood.” He showed them a picture of dried, pinkish toned blood that was swept in a side to side motion, “Looks like someone rubbed it on from the looks of it.”
“Whomever is responsible for this, it likely is not the Klingons,” stated Spock.
“There’s something else about this that doesn’t sit right. Something’s missing,” commented Jim.
“What are you thinking?” asked Bones.
“Look at this,” called Sulu from the open grate. “These lines in the dust, Scotty and I were thinking.” They move their hands into positions that made them appear to both be holding the same object and mirroring the marks in the dust.
“We need to be looking for at least two people not one,” breathed S’A’le, kicking himself internally for not having seen it.
“Skin!” exclaimed Jim suddenly, “There’s no skin cells. If someone scratched themselves, there would be skin cells.”
“Zhat is how we caught ze miners stealing ze Dilithium two years ago,” Chekov added.
“So I can go to my superior and say for certain this is a set up.”
“We’ll back you up.”
Next Chapter: