Star Trek: Two Hearts, One Soul Part 2

Jun 16, 2013 14:34

Title: Star Trek: Two Hearts, One Soul
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, Scotty/Uhura
Summary: The Federation is at risk of collapse as is Starfleet. Post STID.

Previous Chapter:

Chapter One

“Have you heard?”

“Heard what?”

“About the Enterprise’s latest conquest, of course!”

“Oh, bloody hell! What’s the Baby Captain gone and done this time?”

“Only convinced the Heliosian Empire to ally with the Federation. They’re opening up six of their space docks for Starfleet to construct new ships as well as mining rights on several worlds.”
“What are we giving them in return?”

“A century-long mining lease on the Super Carbon Planet Nyx. The Helios love diamonds and their sources are almost dry. Apparently diamonds are sacred to their Goddess.”

“Damn, those kinds are good.”

“Seriously, how do they do it?”

“Well, they’re supposed to be here. You can ask them when they arrive. They’ll probably be late, they were pretty far out.”

A short ringing of bells signalled fifteen minutes before the meetings commencement. The senior crews of several starships and Federation members began to move into the Meeting Hall.

“They better show-up soon or they’re going to miss the briefing.”

“It’s the Enterprise. Knowing them, they’ll come sweeping in at the last minute.”

“I think that’s only when someone or something needs rescuing.”

“Haha! It wouldn’t do for the Flagship to be late.”

“They won’t be late. Their Chief Engineer is the God of Physics. Haven’t you heard? They’ll come sweeping in just as the first speech is about to start.”

“Wanna bet on it?”

“What are you willing to lose?”

“Bottle of Romulan Ale.”

“You’re on!”

The minutes crept by as various crews and Ambassadors moved to their assigned seats. Seven seats, front and centre, next to the Vulcan Representatives, stayed conspicuously empty. The Admiralty entered along with the Federation President and several Ministers. The lights dimmed to mark one minute to commencement and, as if it was planned, the Senior Offices of the Enterprise arrived.

The Hall, which had just moments earlier been almost quiet, was suddenly filled with a roar of voices. They were a sight to behold, in their new fashion dress silks (not yet wore by the majority present, undeterred by the fuss their appearance had caused. Or in truth, the fuss Jim Kirk’s appearance caused. He wore his mohawk in the most haphazard manner rather than directing it backwards as he normally did. And he had painted a full mask of blue over his eyes, fading it into his hair.

“What’s with the look?” someone behind them whispered to a companion. Her captain was a little more forward.
“Kirk what the hell is with the getup?”

“That ‘getup’ Captain Bartlet is the mark of a Warrior of the Amerind People, which Captain Kirk is. While he no longer lives among them, he continues to wear it to honour his late wife and unborn child,” Spock answered. While his voice was soft it held power enough to be carried throughout the Hall. The room was suddenly very quiet.


The President seized the opportunity the sudden silence bought and began her speech, outlining why they were gathered there. The losses from Nero, then the rogue Admiral and his pet Augment had left a gaping hole in Starfleet and therefore the Federations defences. And the Klingons were 'testing the fence'. While the newly secured deal with the Heliosians would give them six new Constellation-class Ships in just over a year, it was still a year with a smaller than optimal fleet and six wasn't near enough to replace their losses. Plans needed to be set out for possible evacuations of Federation planets should it come to war. But most importantly, they were there to find a peaceful solution above all other responses. Some of the Ministers spoke after her, mostly repeating what she had said. By the time they were dismissed, two hours had passed. As the other Command team and Ambassadors forded out, Enterprise and the Vulcan’s lingered.

"I think it would be best if we took this to the Enterprise, Ambassador. I know that it is a deviation from what we are suppose to be working on but I promise you, it will be worth your time," Jim addressed Sarek directly.

"Sa-fu? Your message was cryptic but I was led to believe something of Vulcan Past was found."

"I apologise for the mystery Sa-mekh but as several Vulcan artefacts have been stolen in the past few years, we felt it necessary to advertise our discovery as little as possible."


Only a fool would believe Vulcan’s had no emotions. Sarek and his aides held each and every items Jim had collected as if they were each a precious newborn.

"Captain, this is indeed an extraordinary collection."

"I believe now that the Heliosian Goddess wasn't actually testing us at all but was giving us a gift," Jim replied. "Sarek, would you join Spock and I in his quarters?"

"Are there more artefacts?" Sarek asked as the door to Spock's quarters slid closed behind them.

"A jar of Vulcan sand and a book, the Imperial copy of T'hy'la. Spock wishes to keep them in his possession at this time but that is not what we want to speak to you about. Sarek, I think it's best if you sit down for this," Jim replied as Spock steeled himself.

He recounted to his father the story of what happened on the ice world and the words of the Priestess after he had returned, "We then went to Doctor McCoy who performed several tests. He has confirmed it. I am fertile."

"When you asked to speak to me in private, I illogically feared for your health. This news is the last I expected to hear. I am pleased for you my sa-fu and saddened that you could not know your child. Do you plan on having other children?"

"I am considering it. Perhaps through a surrogate at some future time."

"I would raise them for you if you wish to continue your career in Starfleet." Only a few years ago Sarek would never have made such an offer, Spock mused. So much had changed.

"I thank thee."


"Kirk! Where did you disappear to?"

“Just checking up on my ship Bartlet.”

“So I guess as a Warrior, you’re going to be brainstorming a battle plan with your team?”

Jim refused to Bartlet the reaction he sort, “As a matter of fact, we will be working to find a peaceful solution and hopefully prevent a War from ever happening.” Jim moved on to catch up with the other who had continued on and missed the shock on Bartlet’s face.

“Captain, we have access to all Memory Alpha records on the Klingons as well as records of conflicts and encounters with Klingons dating back nearly five centuries,” Uhura handed him a PADD.

"Okay, let's get to it."

For three days in shifts of twelve hours the seven worked tirelessly to find a solution only to come to one terrible conclusion. Klingons do not negotiate, have no interest in peace and if they sense weakness they will attack and conquer. Spock summed it up will three simple words.

"War is inevitable."



star trek, spirk, kirk/spock, scotty/uhura, star trek into darkness

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