:: forum post, copied here for posterity ::

Oct 22, 2008 17:19

Dear Muse,

OMGWTFBBQ? I appreciate your obsession with devotion to this idea you've given me. Honestly, really truly I do. It's a nice, shiny idea. I have a lot of questions about it, which you're currently being kind enough to let me mull over with well-timed input from your Muse-y Self. These things are *awesome.*


You do realize, oh giver-of-words, that without characters, nothing will happen in this beautiful world you're driving me helping me to create? If there are no people, there is no sleep to harvest, no dreams to steal, no realities to tear, no zombies to invade, no fire spinners to spin fire....nothing. It is a beautiful, intriguing WASTELAND.

Character concepts are all well and good, and they are helpful, I suppose....but aren't there any actual characters you want me to meet? Any at all? Side characters? Main characters? MC's pets or parents or grocery clerks? SOMEONE?!

I understand that there are still 9 days until these people would be allowed to do anything, but I'd like to get them primed and ready. I've never had a world with no characters. It makes me feel all wibbly-wobbly inside.

Please help. I am off to grind coffee beans in your name, oh Muse.

Lots of Hope (and caffeine!),

writing, letters, pre-nano, nano

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