Oct 21, 2008 18:43
maybe i'll do this and maybe i won't. between gigging/practicing with incendium, teaching the circus class, drag, band, and work, i feel like my life is - thankfully - busier than ever before. but this has been such a fantastic and amazing year so far that i have a feeling i won't be able to resist seeing what happens if i tackle nano in it. bajillions of new things happened to me this year...maybe winning nano could be on that list too.
i'm starting to get story ideas. the idea i've been tossing around with jon off and on all year about what would happen if you could transfer sleep between people is starting to branch off and make me wonder more things, and the only way to answer those questions is to - duh - write a story. so there's that plot line/societal institution.
i'm also still really interested in last year's zombie apocalypse plot line. okay, so we have a zombie apocalypse in a world where sleep - and hence maybe dreams/abilities/nightmares/drug trips as well - can be transferred between people?
but i also kind of want to write about burning man. okay....underground dreamweavers at burning man who fight off a zombie invasion?
oh wait and i want fire spinners. i might want them to save the city/region/world by fighting off the zombies with their amazing fire spinning skills.
where do these things come from, and why do i keep doing this to myself?
i also think i will probably have to make a promise to myself to handwrite the story this year. i don't have a laptop and i don't know anyone who can loan me the use of one. in past years i've gotten really caught up in the process of transferring things handwritten into the hard copy in the computer. i always wind up finding myself stricken with words somewhere away from a pc/the lappy (in years when i've had a lappy.) i wind up with too many copies, i wind up wasting time transferring words, i might not hit save...too many horrible options to contemplate. plus that process opens the door WIDE for my internal editor - who is loud and proud and difficult enough already to contain - to go rampaging through my hard-earned words, ripping things out left and right.
in the days of my most prolific writing, my best creative writing was always done by hand, even when i was simultaneously chatting and looking up supporting info on the compy. i'm kind of in love with my own handwriting, i am DEFINITELY in love with the feel of a good ink pen gliding across paper, and if there's one thing i love to buy, it's new notebooks/journals and writing utensils of all sorts. i'm thinking i'll bribe myself with a thick, beautiful notebook - maybe a moleskine - and a package of pens with the smoothest flow i can find. (bonus points if they're available in multiple colors, negative points if it's gel ink.) it'll be super portable, so i can write any/everywhere, i'll only get to use the notebook and pens for nano, and if they're good enough pens, you wouldn't believe how much motivation that will be for me.
so handwriting 'twil be for this gal, and i'll get to keep a crazy word count and force myself not to edit b/c the pages won't be as pretty and my count will be frakked if i do. a few people in the forums number every word they write when they count their totals - it's a procrastination thing, as i understand it. that would be an amazing way to enforce an "absolutely no editing whatever happens" rule on myself, which would undoubtedly be a very Good Thing...we shall think about this plan, yes we shall.
now, if only i could find myself some characters. i can only pull so directly from "real" life....
bardi...what are the guidelines for writing a border wars story? i mean...what are the established truths or histories or whatnot of the world? should i just go back through and read what's been written in the universe so far? is there a compendium list of those lj entries anywhere (tags, whatnot)? mind you, i'm not trying to start a deep philosophical discussion here, although i've a feeling i may've done so. i just have a sneaky suspicion that it's going to wind up creeping up in my stories...especially if lean away from the zombies, which i think i've figured a way to do...gotta think up some conflict...oy. rambling. good practice, lol. anyway, yes, border wars info please kay. :) thanks.