what's the point?

Nov 17, 2009 08:09

I passed the 50K mark on Friday and last night I finished my story at just under 60K. At this point, what's left is to fill in missing scenes and a couple of minor subplots I wanted to stick in, which will probably amount to another 10K.

I'm sure those of you who are still struggling with your wordcount will want to bop me on the head, but I feel like I've hit a patch of depression over this. When I was trying to get to my 50K mark, there was a reason to continue. Sort of like running a marathon. But now I feel like, "What's the point?"

Why spend time revising and adding scenes and perfecting? At this point, I'm old and jaded enough that I don't think there's any realistic chance I'll get my Nano published. I wouldn't even try. And I don't have anyone in mind that I'd particularly like to read it. (My husband still hasn't read my Nano from 2006.) So I'm really having trouble getting up the motivation to continue working on this.

For those of you who have passed the 50K mark this year or in previous years, what kept you going till the bitter end?
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