Meme #2!

May 26, 2010 08:29

Hraaagh... I'm so behind D: And the month hasn't even started yet! *flail*

One of my biggest personal peeves in putting together memes is that I end up wanting to really break out of the provided box. Sometimes I do (and I know I can modify it if I really need or want to), but I do my damndest not to cover up the prompt in case whoever's reading hasn't actually seen the meme before, and doesn't know what the question being drawn is. Also, I keep trying to do mini-comics in the panels and it keeps being TOO SMALL DSFJDSLFJSDF I really need to learn to tone it down :P


Prompt #2 (dancing): Fast Food Rockers - Say Cheese! (Smile Please). So cheesy (shocking :P), but oh my lord I ♥ it. Also, Martin is so hot. Like, ahmigawd *fans self*

Prompt #4 (secrets): (NSFW!) Nestly's Mad-Lib had a similar prompt (#6 in Singles, if you're looking specificially for it), and I was so totally out of in-character ideas for that one that I made something dumb up. I actually thought of a good one for this meme right as I was finishing up putting together that panel, but I'd just spent two days trying to get good sketches for the eyes thing, so maybe next time :P


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