Republican Priorities

Apr 19, 2011 14:46

Apparently, the Republicans of the House of Representatives plans to divert money from the Department of Justice to pay for the cost of defending DOMA.

"Obviously, DOJ's decision results in DOJ no longer needing the funds it would have otherwise expended defending the constitutionality of DOMA. It is my intent that those funds be diverted to the House for reimbursement of any costs incurred by and associated with the House, and not DOJ, defending DOMA." (emphasis mine)

Instead of, y'know, the hundreds of other things that could actually use that money.

Such a move would require Senate approval, an unlikely prospect since Democrats control that chamber.

Boehner will probably end up finding money for the legal fight from other discretionary and non-discretionary spending sources, according to legal experts. There was no indication just how much the legal fight could eventually cost.

I gotta ask, what is their justification for this? Whether you support gay rights or not, this is money that could go to hundreds of other causes and reasons, all far more worthy - things like education, which pretty much everyone can agree a.) is a worthy cause, and b.) is fairly strapped for cash, right now.

Oh, wait, Boehner's justification:

"The burden of defending DOMA, and the resulting costs associated with any litigation that would have otherwise been born (sic) by DOJ (The Department of Justice), has fallen to the House," [John] Boehner said.

Yeah, because they stopped defending DOMA for cost reasons, not because it's unconstitutional and discriminatory. :|

This is really demonstrative of the Republican's haphazard priorities. Medical care and education aren't worth spending money on, but perpetuating arbitrary discrimination and continuing to defend and indefensible federal law is?

Right, just checking.

lgbtq, marriage

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