(no subject)

Dec 12, 2010 20:40

Normally this time of year, I am either in knitting for Christmas hell, or participating in a UFO-off, otherwise known as finishing all of the things I haven't finished. The latter is what I should be doing, as there are at least 8 things on the needles that I do actually plan to finish at some stage. HOWEVER, I really really want to be knitting any number of new things too. I will list my unfinished things, in order of "wishing to finish them", and in the vain hope that it might galvanise me into some sort of effort.
  1. lovely silk hat for my friend's baby girl. Status? about half-way there, should finish tonight or tomorrow

  2. gorgeous lace blanket for my brother's son (more on him to follow). Status? Getting there, but those lace rows are getting longer and longer. It's getting more exciting too though, cos I love love love the pattern.

  3. silk baby socks. Status? stalled cos Gwen pulled the needles out, so I had to start again, but they shouldn't take long.

  4. Socks for me. Status? sitting in my wool cupboard looking at me hopefully every time I rummage around in there. I know I have to go back a few rows though, and it's discouraging!

  5. My mum's orange cardi. Status? was on this list last Christmas. I have progressed much further, but it's almost the most boring thing I have ever knit. Will be lovely when it's done though, really, if I can just keep saying that, maybe I'll finish it. Was aiming to finish for Christmas, but Miles' blanket got priority.

  6. seafoam stitch stole. Status? I started this to use up all the gorgeous sock yarns I had, before I actually knit socks. I go back to it every now and then, when I'm not knitting anything more urgent. Any bets on how many years it will take to finish? I'm also thinking it could do with smaller needles, and a more clever use of the wools...mmmm

  7. Stu's jumper. Status? Need to pull out the sleeves again, and put them back on. Know what to do now, know how, just have to GET TO IT (notice that I'm talking about this, although I will never discuss it with anyone face to face, ever. I also don't think that it's boxiness will block out, and as for weaving in the ends? Perhaps at new years something will happen

  8. the jumper that will never die. Status? Actually would quite like to finish this now. Can't remember whether I started this while I was still mistakenly knitting all my stockinette through the back loop. Will let you know next year once Stu's jumper is finished.

Really want to knit about 10 other fancy lacy things, including a chunky lace cardi, and a chunky lace shrug, finally finding patterns that I can use my extra fat wool in.

What are you knitters doing? Are you building insulation for your houses out of lovely wool?

knitting, lists, craft

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