(no subject)

Oct 25, 2009 21:12

So, for quite a long time (say about 4 months), I have been thinking "can't type, KNITTING". Now I have finished the knitting, and Claire_wain's wedding shawl is done. YAY! I don't quite know what to do with myself on an evening. How surprising!

I haven't even looked at the internet. Are you alive? Who's out there? Who has done what?

I miss my flist.

I have been taking the Squid swimming, going to baby-sign, and other fun things, we've been out walking in the countryside loads, which has been ace.

Have any of you other parents got experience of doing baby-led weaning while going back to work? I think ias did it, right?

Today my daughter bit me for the first time, which was a definite point of celebration this time. If it becomes a regular occurrence, we'll be less happy. She is a happy little person.

questions, knits, words, friends

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