- taking blood pressure medication that gives me side effects
- sleeping more than I thought was possible
- not noticing low blood sugar symptoms due to blocking of calcium pathways by beta-blockers
- sleeping some more
- having pins and needles in her hands all the time
- knitting very slowly (see above)
- sorting through all her Magic: The Gathering cards into a massive spreadsheet to sell on (the_prince could you give me the contact details for some reliable salesfolk?)
- Being extremely grateful for her wonderful friends
- Looking forward to meeting the Squid
- Seeing her parents
- Being tired of being an enormous whale with sore feet
- Listening to MP3s of books from Audible.co.uk
- Meeting every other midwife in the Harrogate District
- Making chocolate cake
- Maybe eating SOME of that chocolate cake
- Reading books straight through, apart from the sleeping
- Being extremely grateful to the Wheel and realising again how much she loffs them
- Getting out of breath while walking up stairs (FFS!!! They're MY lungs!)
- becoming confused and overwhelmed by all the cloth nappy options (prefold with wrapper? I think that's what I have)
- Do I need a bucket as well? What else is a cloth nappy requirement? Have a changing mat, cotton wool and a nappy bag.
- Listening to Bat for Lashes and Jesse Malin (not together) and daydreaming
- Enjoying this "signed off work" malarkey despite feeling like a bit of a fraud. The Dr was remarkably sensible
- Missing hearing from folk, how is everyone?
- Having a wonderful birthday!
On the program this week? Ed Byrne, doing the washing, and hopefully some outdoor knitting with lovely knitters... Maybe some seed planting? And more discussing and chatting with the medical profession.