(no subject)

Dec 19, 2008 15:08

Things which please me:
  • tissues with lotion (my poor poor nose)

  • 2 ducks having a very cautious and chatty bath in the river at keighley as I walked to work from the train station

  • being a bit more relaxed at work after the OMGOMGOMG things have been swept out the way

  • my lovely knitter friends coming to my house for a wonderful evening of chat and festivity for which I massively overcatered

  • eating antipasti and hummus and refried beans and salsa for lunch after the previous evening AND cake for breakfast(thanks Sophia!)

  • The Mup's dancing glee at being on holiday

  • Sophia's joy when I gave her one of my pots

  • being complimented on the ceramics I have on show in my house ♥x1000

  • looking forward to seeing so many of my favourite people in a month's time

  • thinking about Christmas eve and Christmas day at Mup's parents house, including Uno deathmatches and tasty tea

  • my wonderful cowl/neckwarmer in soft, beautiful, lovely green wool, knit by Sue. I've hardly taken it off

  • Knitting on the train and watching people try and work out what the heck I'm doing

I'm not enjoying reading Neal Stephenson's the Diamond age, but people I know and whose tastes I respect really like it, so I'm soldiering on, and I can't wait to see in which way he will let the reader down alarmingly at the end (see his other books for examples of crashingly disappointing endings). But, why of why can't he make his characters more like human beings, and less like animated representations of a thin idea? You can't have an interesting and complex world, only populated by shallow representations of humanity, it doesn't work! Either make the world all allegorical and populated by allegorical people, or make the world complex and rich inhabited by complex and rich folk, and PLEASE PLEASE don't just decide to end it in a "rocks fall, everybody dies" way... I know you're bored with it, we sort of are too, but give us a pay off!

Can anyone tell me what they liked about it so I can reclaim it? I am sort of interested in the world, but everything else has frustrated me.

christmas, glee, lists, books, craft, friends

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