throwing away my past

Aug 18, 2008 16:37

To feel better.
Over the weekend, the Mup and I disposed of more than 200 tapes. I'm sad about getting rid of them, because I loved that people made them for me, I love the mix-tape thing, and I listened to them almost nonstop for a period of 4 years. For the last 4 years though, they've sat in a plastic crate, gathering dust. So I chucked them.

I'm ambivalent about it now, but also I feel lighter. I have got rid of STUFF! I haven't got rid of the memories, I have all the songs that I had on them. I'm one of those people who associate THINGS with memories really strongly, and anyone who has been to my house will know that. The act of getting rid is strangely pleasing now though. We have started to feel like the stuff was overwhelming us, and I'm starting to realise that I don't need to thing to remember what it represents.

EGAD! Is this growing up? Wow.
I'm not as brutal as nurse_liz, or certain other people I know, but my growing severity with things is becoming rather satisfying. My acquisition of stuff is slowing down too. I don't think I will ever live a minimalist lifestyle (pause here to allow my peeps to roll with laughter), but sometimes it's nice to pretend.

me, life, stuff, home

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