(no subject)

Nov 28, 2007 12:14

All of you who find the Lolcats thing inexplicably funny? (And I know that it's more of you than let on, I know what it does to the brain. There's like some short-circuit or something) Have a look at these: http://www.flickr.com/photos/69316558@N00/sets/72157603242675105/

They combine knitting (sort of) with plotting animals. Cats, ferrets, rabbits, dogs, all plotting the downfall of the human race (with good reason, I think). I find it totally hilarious, and am not going to apologise for it...

I have been a busy busy bee. Have been down to that there SOUTH of England, where I was educated and had a reeeeeally productive conference. It was bliss to not be responsible in any way, and to be able to just hang out, and think, and burnish my brain. I met important people, joined in discussions, and laughed with the Gorgeous Sarah, who is apparently my twin?

Four times in the week people got us confused, despite the fact that she dresses only in black, is much more pierced than me, is 6 foot tall, and has very long hair. I am always both flattered and baffled that people think I'm her, cos damn, she is beatiful and also v.v. good at her job, but it is JUST possible that people confuse the two tall Rock Girls. Brains are funny things.

I met and talked to, but did not have the discussion which I wish I had had with the owners of Noah's Ark Zoo Farm. More about them in the next post, I think.

I also hobnobbed with all of the important people, including, in particular ias and nmg. The really important discussions were held with them, including an philosophical analysis of In the Nigh Garden, some good gossiping, and lovely lovely chat. I still feel deeply let down by technology that I cannot just pop out and have tea or dinner with my lovely friends whenever I like.

Curse you, space time continuum, curse you!
Ok, this is pointlessly rambly. More later.

thinks, glee, adventures, internetry, work, friends

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