Oct 16, 2006 13:03
Well, as proof that we were painting over the weekend, I seem to have "snowdrop" kitchen and bathroom paint in my hair, on my nails, on bits of my elbow, and probably on my feet. I have washed since then, honest, I just seem to be unable to scrub off all the paint without removing my skin as well.
Despite the legally required DIY domestics, we seem to have engaged mostly unscathed. I hate and distrust Mup's heirloom stepladder, which seems made for me to be afraid of. It rocks and wobbles gleefully (it probably even snickers) as soon as someone puts a foot on it, and Mup uses it instead of our nice safe ladders. Despite not being a natural fretter and worrier, as soon as he gets the bastard stepladder out, I can't stop. Well, we beat it this time, but I don't doubt it will be back.
One last coat of paint to go, and the saga of the kitchen will be done. It will be on to other, even less exciting things, like the hot water feeder tank, or the cat-vomit pink wallpaper in the living room. Eventually, our house will stop looking like students or mad hippies live here. Not yet though, not for a while.
I made pumpkin pie, which makes me very happy, and allows me to channel my hidden Americanness for a while. I don't think I ate it very much while I lived in the US, but it always makes me feel like I'm about to go and drink pressed apple cider, and do something properly autumnal in Maryland (I don't know, like pick apples, or look at the leaves or something).