Ah, a day when I don't have to drive to North Wales and back. North Wales appears to be fab though, for the 4 hours I spent in a meeting there. I got to cuddle a ferret, and watch chimps playing, so it can't have all been bad.
My struggle to knit my gran a lacy scarf before christmas continues. No, it isn't easy, yes, the pattern lied. However, I am nothing if not stubborn, so on I go. My coconut oil for christmas soaps hasn't turned up yet, so I am resorting to Pura and the luxury oils I have in the house. Vegetable oil soap isn't a bad thing at all!
OK, if you kids want amazingly cool advent stuff, have a look at
justjk2478's much cooler secular advent monsters. She made them herself you know. She's a proper artist and everything!
Here is my less work intensive version
Norfolk, not always flat, and definitely not boring!
Eeeeeh, I had better do some work or something!