Look at yer fish! :p

Jan 24, 2005 17:10

Arr...LJ doesnt like me :p

hehe, hoho...Friday night after I spent all day watching Rocky movies with my brother thinking ' i NEEEDD to get out of the house... Katie calls me and says " wanna to go a movie? I sure hope so, cuz i'm pulling into your driveway right now" ummmm...ok! So her, Aaron and I went to see 'Are we There yet?' It was cute, pretty chessy, but cute. The best part of the night was on our way OUT of the theater...there was this guy walking in front of us, classic Wisconsin redneck/hick... Huge mullet, puffey plaid vest, cowboy boots...walkin like he just got off a horse. The funny part wasnt him, but the fact that with every step he took he farted...for a few consecutive steps he farted with each one. I tried SOOO hard not to burst out laughing, as soon as he turned a different direction I exploded. XD so funny.

New semester started today, Its lovely, I'm so glad i'm out of. Alg II!!! (Algibberish - thats for the word, Aaron) Unfortunatly that also means no Housing & int...I LOVED THAT CLASS!!! Next year I'm gonna sign up for another class that teacher does, shes doing an early child development/child psych class... I WANT TO BE IN IT!! *dies* that sounds like a great class.
Also i'm back in Spanish class...YAY! I love spanish :) And I dropped French, Just...didnt like it, didnt remember any of it. So because I dropped french 2nd half, I still get 1/2 a credit for it I think, and now I have a Lunch Hour!! SWEET! I can actually eat during lunch like everyone else, instead of stashing a box of wheat thins or something in my locker to eat between classes like I did 1st semester.

*countdown* WinterBlast is in FOUR days! four days!! I'm so excited, I love WB :) and my mom is chaperoning this year! I think it will be good for her, it will be just the little push she needs to take her faith to the next step.

I cant wait till friday!!!
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