Some thoughts, frusterations and pictures.
My aunt Cindy has cancer, again. She has only been cancer free for like 9 months and its back, and growing very fast. They said right now the tumour is about the size of a grapefruit. I am praying every day, every moment I can spare, please if you have any faith in the lord at all , (or even if you dont! )please join me in praying for her healing and her family. There are rough times ahead and she has a loving husband and 3 young children..
Please join me in praying for her. It really helps.
It snowed again today, yeah. And its flippin COLD! Stupid weather, its supposed to be spring!! BRING ON THE SUN!
My dad is sick, hes coughing all the makes me sad :(
Something is wrong with Polly too, today at school she was coughing up blood and then she threw up twice. :( Poor girly.
Some weekend in June I have like 3 things that I wanted to go to.... 1) Desperation revival thing in Colorado 2) "Wicked" musical in Chicago, and 3) Relay for Life in Mauston.
arrrr...I really, really dont want to have to choose between these things...but I know all three are around the end of June, Maybe by some slim chance they will all be different dates and I can make it to all three? Wishful thinking?
Desi is an angel and is going to work a few of my hours on Saturday so I can go to Katies Dance recital :) how sweet, Katie would be disappointed if I couldnt go.
Prom pictures
We had friday off of school excused to decorate for Prom, and being the artsey dorks we are, we were put in charge of the main banner. In the end, it looked flippin awesome. I'm painting Cinderella and Prince charming in this pic :)
Ashley, Megan, and Me
Polly, Megan, Katie and Me, No they really arent that much taller, I just wasnt wearing heel shoes. FLATS!
Brad, Andrew, and Steph
Katie and Aaron...'awwww'
haha...I love sava's face in this pic ( in our lovely limo! yahhh)
Philly, These are the tuxes that all the court guys got. I think they were really ugly, lol everyone hated them but nobody said anything.... >.>