
Dec 11, 2005 20:56

Sam had a seizure of sorts tonight.

I was feeding him his formula, and when he was just about done, he started having what looked like a little seizure. His little arms and his head were shaking back and forth, for maybe 10 seconds. Then he just stopped, and went still. It looked like he was just sleeping hard, so we tried to wake him up, but he was out. We called his name, wiggled him around a bit, tried prying his eyes open with our fingers, and it was like he was just in a deep sleep. Nothing we did phased him at all. But his breathing was fine, and when we shined a little flashlight onto his closed eyes, he screwed his eyes shut tighter, so you could tell it bothered him. It was really odd. I mean, he often falls deep asleep after eating, so I wouldn't have been concerned if it hadn't have been for the seizure. But since he was breathing, I just put him down and watched him while he slept. He slept hard for about 20 minutes, then woke up and was fine.

I will definitely call his pediatrician in the morning, and also keep a close eye on him through the night. But I have no idea what that seizure was about. It was really scary.

There's a woman on another message board that I frequent whose son is Sam's age, and this has happened to him a few times as well, and it's been happening more frequently lately. She is taking him to see a neurologist, so I will be interested to see what that doc says to them. She also said there was someone on yet ANOTHER board that had said her daughter had the same thing happen, but now at 9 months old, she is fine. Didn't say what it WAS, of course. Just that she was fine. Nice to know. But I still want to know what the hell happened to my son.

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