Karina is a forward for Japan's national women's soccer team that won the 2011 FIFA women's world cup.
But, before she comes out, let's take a look at the guys this week: we haven't seen Subaru's forehead in months! Ryo's wearing his stupid custom hat (side note: I don't know why people are just recently starting to notice that it's custom-made) but at least he's wearing his hot glasses, Ohkura really doesn't dress himself very well (Really… all blue?) and Yoko's in his usual cardigan-buttoned shirt-cropped pants ensemble but his hair is FABULOUS.
Yoko and Hina explain that they also have a Maruyama in their group and Maru says, "I arbitrarily feel a sense of closeness with you" and he shakes her hand. Hina smacks him on the head and calls him gross while the show puts up the text "grinning and handshake right away" in a heart as Maru gets scolded.
Ohkura tells him, "All of your handshakes get cut!" to which Maru replies, "For real? Use them!!" to the staff.
Hina reads the script saying that in February 2012, Karina joined Speranza FC Osaka Takatsuki. Ryo asks her if she lives in Takatsuki and she says that she does, so Hina tells her, "Same town (as my birthplace)! Welcome to Takatsuki." Ohkura's mean today so he asks her, "Why do you live in that city?" and Hina says, "It's a good city, a good city" (see notes 1).
Subaru also echoes that and adds that Hina is someone from Takatsuki who showed up in the city's magazine, TakatsukiWalker, so Hina tells everyone to please take a look at TakatsukiWalker. Yoko comments that it's weird that Hina is the face of Takatsuki and that after winning the prestigious FIFA gold medal, Karina's gone all the way to Takatsuki of all places.
Karina's wearing her gold medal, so they ask her if she, Maruyama, can put her gold medal on their Maruyama. Maru kneels down to receive it, but Hina hits him and tells him to put it on by himself, so Maru says, "I'd like to (experience what it's like to) be awarded." After Karina puts the medal on him, Maru comments that it feels heavy, but she whispers, "But it's not that heavy" and Yoko says that it's smaller and lighter than an Olympic medal.
Maru says that his feelings are all tightly packed and Hina tells him, "Didn't you say that you didn't watch the World Cup!?" Embarrassed, Maru goes red in the face and hides behind his hands while Yoko makes fun of him for being made to slip-up right from the beginning of the show.
As with all their unmarried female guests, Hina asks who her type is and Karina says that she's liked Yoko from a long time ago, but she corrects herself saying that she USED TO like Yoko like when she was in junior high (which means that she's known about them for a crazy long time!).
Karina picks Maru and Hina asks why, so she explains (after Yoko prompts her with "sense of closeness") that it's pretty much that they share the same last name. Yoko adds that sharing the same last name as someone (famous) will make you watch that person and when he was younger, he used to watch comedian, Yokoyama Knock, on TV a lot. Hina says that he used to watch comedian, Murakami Shouji, too.
Segment 1 - K8 can/not agree with…
"Milk is a drink that goes with all dishes!"
Nobody agrees with her and Karina is pretty surprised. Hina says that if she had said that it goes with bread, then he could agree and Yoko says that it doesn't go well with rice. Karina insists that milk does go well with rice and that she drinks milk when she eats rice.
From behind, Ryo says, "But you know like during elementary school, there are times when you'd eat dinner at a friend's house and unknowingly get served milk, right? You'd wonder, 'Why doesn't this kid's family just serve barley tea?'" Hina says that if she had said "tea," then it would have been a different outcome. They figure that since she insists that milk goes with everything must mean that she really loves milk.
Karina says that she does and she even keeps three different types at her house: 'homogenized plus' (see notes 2), low fat, and delicious milk. They ask her what's the difference since she has three types at home and basically Karina uses the homogenized type in the morning/afternoon and for cooking, the low fat she mixes with protein powder when at practice, and the delicious type is for when she has visitors at her house. The last bit of information really surprises them because nobody ever gives milk as a beverage to visitors. Yoko even says, "It's not like a visitor will drink it and say, 'Ah, this is the delicious type!'" Karina explains that if she thinks it's delicious, she'll serve it, so they ask her if she normally drinks it, but she says that she doesn't. Yoko thinks it's hilarious that she has a delicious and homogenized type, so he wants to know the difference, but she explains that some people just don't like rich milk. When people come over, Karina gives them milk first without letting them choose what kind and then asks them what they want to drink after they finish the milk.
Hina asks Karina how much milk she drinks and says that she drinks 1.5L of milk a day.
Hina asks her if she drinks anything other than that to which she replies, "Yeah, fruit milk!" and everyone bursts into laughter (see notes 3). However, Ohkura and Subaru concede and say that it's not really milk anyway; it's more like juice. Yoko tries to tell a joke about how cows really say "enouuuuuughhh" but what I think he's trying to do is get twice the use out of the sound that cows make (in Japan it's "mooouuu," not "moo") and also the Japanese "mou" for "enough." See notes for more explanation 4. His joke fails, though. Hina asks her what her favourite food is and she says, "yakisoba" after which Ryo laughs out loud, probably because he loves it, too. Since she says that she loves milk with any food, Hina makes sure to check if she eats yakisoba with milk and she says that she gets it as a set, but Hina immediately tsukkomis her saying, "Are you stupid?" Ryo asks her if she can tell the taste difference, presumably between the types of yakisoba, but she turns around and asks him, "Do you mean the difference between the kinds of milk?"
Hina smacks her on the head and Yasu and Subaru yell, "Enough with milk! Quit talking about milk!" Hina clarifies Ryo's question asking if she eats salt yakisoba or sauce yakisoba, so Karina says that like all other foods that have sauce like takoyaki and okonomiyaki, she prefers the sauce type because the sauce especially goes well with milk.
Subaru asks her what milk she drinks with those kinds of foods + sauce and she says she drinks the delicious kind and right away, Subaru points at her and yells, "Didn't you just say that you don't drink that kind!?"
The show prepares her favourite set and apparently she has a special way of eating it with milk (by the way, the show puts up a warning saying that we shouldn't copy what she's doing): she chews a big mouthful and sort of half swallows it, and then drinks milk to wash it down. They all laugh at her and she asks them if, when they eat yakisoba, it gets stuck in their throat, but nobody seems to agree with her. Yoko says, "Um, Maruyama-san, it's a good thing that you can play soccer, huh?" Karina she shows them the way she eats it and the swallowing noise from her throat is so loud that they all laugh. Subaru says, "You're a female, but Maru (Karina) is Maru (Ryuhei), huh?"
Ohkura tries to eat her way and she tells him to only chew about three times which surprises him, but he tries anyway and accidentally swallows and after they tell him not to do that, he asks, "I can't swallow it!?"
Because he fails the first time, he tries again and as soon as the milk goes down, he says, "It's good!" and laughs like crazy. Ryo goes next and he says that as much as he loves yakisoba, he's never eaten it this way, so Yoko tells him to discover a new world of eating yakisoba.
Subaru tells Ryo, "Don't throw up!" and because of that comment, he automatically swallows and says, "I swallowed it!" After he wipes his face, you can see that his nose is a bit runny (I don't think he has allergies, though).
Since Karina really likes eating things like one as a base and the other to wash it down, the show prepares three arrangements that she normally enjoys: ohagi (rice ball usually covered with sweet red beans, soybean flour [kinako] or sesame seeds) and salted konbu (kelp), cookies and miso soup, and chocolate and pickled matsumae. Yoko looks at the first combo and says, "It's like eating watermelon with salt (sprinkled) on it, right?" but Karina tells him that he's not quite right.
Anyway, Yasu tries the first combination and after a few seconds of considering, he says, "Yeah, it's good. At first, I thought it might not work, but (now that I've tried it) I think it should be sold as a food product. The salty konbu enhances the red bean flavour and I think it works well." Karina doesn't seem to agree with his last point and Yasu gives up saying that she's too difficult to understand.
When everyone sees the next combination, Subaru remarks that it's the one that'll make moms scold their children the most for mixing sweet stuff with soup. Karina says that she doesn't dip the cookies into the soup or anything, but she does chew the cookie and wash it down with soup. Subaru tries it but he says that it won't work. Like he predicts, it doesn't go well and he says, "It totally doesn't work. I ate a cookie and drank miso soup. That's all."
Ohkura tries and the combination works for him because he says that the cookies are like sweet tamagoyaki so it works with the soup (since both are staple Japanese dishes). Karina agrees with his interpretation and Subaru figures it's probably because he didn't eat enough of the cookie, so he wants to try again, but the members mess around with him first by giving him two cookies to eat, but after a big bite of one, Yoko tells him to take a bite of ohagi.
Subaru tells him, "This is really, really sweet!" He drinks some soup and eats a bit of salty konbu when Ryo tells him to keep it in the back of his throat and chase it all down with milk. Subaru's verdict is that he's at a loss when it comes to telling them whether or not it all worked.
Yoko tries the last dish and Hina laughs at him asking why he's eating chocolate pieces with chopsticks.
Unfortunately, the combination really makes him want to throw up and he only manages to hold it down because Hina gives him milk to wash it down.
The hilarious thing is that milk works with it, but it's because the milk mixes with whatever is left of the chocolate. The members tell her that all of the dishes are pretty much the same because she likes mixing sweet with salty.
"A man looks the cutest when he puckers his lips!"
Nobody agrees with her again and you can hear Yasu and Subaru saying that they totally don't get it.
Yoko poses like he's going to give her a flying kiss and asks if that's what she means. When Karina tells him that he's got it, he asks, "This is good? Then what do you do if he tries to kiss you like this?" and he makes a weird face. Hina tells Yoko that he's overdoing it and Yoko says, "You guys are hard on me, huh. I thought I'd try adding more to the variety (aspect of the show) but I got scolded."
Maru says that he puckers his lips when he plays the bass, but he does it unknowingly as a reflex when he plays high notes. Ohkura and Yasu both say that they've seen Maru do it before.
ExE - Misetekure 8EST - Do you agree?
And I'm following Yasu's advice to the audience to check their DVDs. Maru really does do that! Yasu thinks it's also when people use straws that their lips do that and Karina actually says that she would like it better if a man decided to drink through a straw. Hina can't understand why it's cute so Maru tells him, "You have to try and see things her way" but Subaru just says that Maru is a weirdo and Hina asks, "Why do I have change?"
Karina says, for example, that she really likes Ihara Tsuyoshi and for a wild-type like him to pucker his lips is really cute in her opinion. Hina asks if she's ever met him like for work, but she says that through a mutual acquaintance, she got to visit his house. Hina asks if she got to see him pucker his lips while she visited his home, but she said that she didn't even though she was waiting for it. The members laugh like crazy because she was hoping that he'd pucker his lips. Ryo asks her if her friends agree with her but she says they all tell her, "You're a bit strange, huh?" Yoko says, "But wait, if you see a guy drinking milk and puckering his lips, you wouldn't be able to get enough of that, right?" Karina says, "Uhhh… no…"
Segment 2 - I want to do this with Eito!
Karina says that she wants to enact a moving sports huddle with the members. The show transcribes a huddle speech that Sawa Homare said to her teammates: "When the going gets tough, look at my back" (uh, weird, I know, but it's more like, "I'm still standing and going strong, so watch me and don't give up").
Yoko thinks it's such a cool thing to say but ever the brat Ohkura complains, "But that's troublesome for people behind her." Hina scolds him for that comment and he continues with a different (or the continuation, I don't know) of Sawa-san's speech: "No matter how tough it gets, you're never alone. Although I know that we're in a tough spot, you're not alone because the rest of us are with you." Hina says that even if you're in a tight situation, remembering those words will help keep you going and Yoko remarks that she's really a leader.
The situation is as follows: for the sake of space on the TV screen, the show shortens the words "World Cup" to W杯 (see notes 5) and makes it so that it's the final game that decides everything. One K8 member will act as captain and give a moving speech.
Ohkura says that it's difficult, but Maru reminds them that as a group, they've done similar huddles, but Yoko asks, "Why are you being positive all of a sudden?" Maru says that they should treat it as the World Cup and not as members of K8. Right away, Hina tells him that he's being so manly and Ohkura says, "You're really raring to go!"
first captain: Maru
"Well, up until now, I've said some intense things and I've been selfish, too. I've told you to do things like get tea for me and retrieve the balls. I got you to do those things but they weren't for my benefit. Well, it's resulted in us being able to get to the World Cup. That's…"
Yoko interrupts and says, "Hold on! Don't you think it's long?" Hina thinks that Maru's speech is long and he tells Maru not to talk about things like tea right before the World Cup final match. Maru explains that he's first trying to express his feelings of gratitude, but Hina tells him that if he's going to do that, to keep it short.
While Yoko's scolding Maru some more, Ohkura, the number one culprit of doing as he likes, crouches down to re-tie his shoelace.
Maru, take 2:
"Today decides the (rest of) our lives!"
Maru thinks it's a good way to end, but Karina explains that the game result shouldn't determine a person's life. He seems a bit dejected and wants to hand over the captain arm band to someone else, but she also tells him that what he said was really nice. Because she cheered him up, Maru shakes her hand and Yoko asks Ohkura, "Ohkura-san, what'll happen to that hand shake?"
Ohkura replies, "It'll get cut. Right at that point."
second captain: Yoko
Before they start, the members seem to think that Yoko will do a good job because he's done it countless times before because according to Maru, Yoko has a "follow me" aura. However…
As Maru's tying the armband, Yoko says, "No matter how you say it, this is the final round of the Double Hai."
Like I said before, the show saved space by shortening it and Yoko read it literally, but Yasu asks him if something like that exists and Subaru says, "Our captain is an idiot." Yoko starts over, but decides to leave it as Double Hai.
"Everyone, after we win the Double Hai, there are things waiting for us. The nation. Everyone is waiting for our return. We'll win, get a lot of money and spend a ton of it on sprees! Let's work hard~!"
Right after his speech, Ohkura remarks that Yoko's speech was awful because it's just a bunch of things that he wants. Yoko seems to think that it's a good speech, so good that he's sweating, but Hina tells him that he's sweating for nothing.
Since he knows he's wrong now, Yoko says, "Wait. Maru and I are going to get cut here, right?" but Maru tells him, "No, don't lump us together." Yoko tells Maru that he's being cold and Maru replies, "There's too much difference in quality (of what we said)."
third captain: Ryo
"Uh… we've practiced a lot, huh. We've finally come to the finals in the World Cup. If we're going to cry, let's win and then cry. Let's go!"
Everyone genuinely cheers, Hina praises Ryo and Karina says that Miyama-san has said something like that before. Yoko complains that if he had said the exact same thing, the others would make fun of him for trying to say something cool. However, if you know Ryo, he hardly ever does anything to be funny (he's too serious) and I'm sure he was thinking of the appropriate thing to say if he was chosen.
Segment 3 - Do you know women?
As always, Maru asks if there's a penalty and he sings, "Right bicep and left bicep… CURVE!" Karina totally thinks it's hilarious and Yoko says that both Maruyamas identify with each other.
This week's theme is, "The moment I'm tempted to be unfaithful."
Choices: when he's cold to me, when my dissatisfaction about him builds up, when a different man is kind to me, when another man really hits on me, when I'm drunk, when we fight, after he cheats on me, when I'm alone at night, when I want him to excite me, when I meet my type of man.
Ohkura and Maru don't like this week's theme. Karina chooses cold to me, cheats on me, other men are nice to me and when we're fighting. According to her choices, Ryo asks her when she would cheat and she says that she won't. Ohkura says that since she won't cheat normally, if she could just imagine a reason, what it would it be.
Subaru jokingly says, "If he drinks your delicious-type of milk?" In fact, she'd actually want him to drank that kind, so Subaru says, "Then if he drank barley tea right in front of you, it'd be over."
Hina tells them that they only have one right and since they've experienced a crazy turnaround before, nobody goes to Hina to beg for answers. Somehow, the members take the four spots to create a story as to why a girl would cheat.
Subaru says, "Because her boyfriend cheated on her, she's alone at night, so she gets drunk and then she wants a man to excite her." Yoko doesn't seem to agree because he doesn't think being cheated on leads directly to a woman being left alone at night, but Subaru seems to like his story, so he tells Yoko that Yoko's being noisy and complaining too much. Yoko says, "Come on, let's do this. I want to get it right!" and he suggests that they replace being alone at night with meeting a man who's the woman's type. Immediately the others complain that it doesn't fit with the story but creating a story isn't what Yoko was aiming for in the first place.
Ignoring Yoko, Ohkura jumps in to say that when she's drunk, she might mistake her boyfriend with someone who's her type and Yoko complains that he wants to get it right, so Subaru yells, "Shut up! Go home! We're having fun (but you're spoiling it)."
The members insist that the story start with the girl being drunk and she's had so much alcohol that she feels like she wants a man to excite her. They rearrange it so that the root of the problem is the boyfriend cheating on her which leads to the girl meeting her type, getting wasted and then wanting to be excited by a man. Hina reminds them to check with Karina if she agrees and she simply replies, "It's fine."
In the end, they get meeting her type and drunk, but the last two are wrong. Since the tea is so bitter, Yasu mentions milk and Karina says, "I want to drink milk!"
The final results actually go together quite nicely as an explanation for why a girl might consider being unfaithful: her boyfriend is cold to her so she gets drunk and then she meets her ideal type who seriously hits on her.
Segment 4 - JuniMaga
The file I have has no JuniMaga, so no summary, but I did see it and I think it's Hama-chan, Shigeoka and Kamiyama learning about movie/TV stunt work.
Hina asks if Karina's type has changed and she says that it hasn't.
Maru is super duper cute and he's going to shake her hand, but before that, he says, "Um, even if we get married, you don't have to change your last name" (see notes 6).
Yoko asks her to give Maru a reply and she's about to shake his hand but she holds back and says, "Sorry…"
He still wants a parting handshake from her, but either she watches Janiben or her reflexes are fast because Maru tends to turn the last handshake into a thumb war and Karina sticks out her pinky which, I guess, nullifies the match.
Yoko asks Ohkura, "Ohkura-san, how about this handshake?" to which Ohukra replies, "At the end, [slate sound for 'cut']"
End notes (I've also changed the end notes format!)
1 Takatsuki
I think I mentioned it before, but Hina's from Takatsuki, Osaka. The reason why Subaru says that it's a good city (even though Ohkura's being a butthead) is because Subaru is from Ibaraki, Osaka, RIGHT NEXT TO Takatsuki. That's why they hung out a lot when they were in their teens because they were really close to one another. And for reference-sake, Ohkura's from Higashi Osaka city which is a more affluent place, so he makes fun of Takatsuki because it's totally in the boonies (Hina's said it before, but the closest convenience store when he still lived at home was pretty far away, like down a huge hill or something)
2 homogenized plus
I don't know how milk fat is measured in your home country, but I know for Canada, homogenized milk is the fattiest at about 3.25% milk fat (researched it! I'm not that much of a nerd). The kind of homogenized milk that Karina is talking about is what I call "homogenized plus" because it's actually between 3.5-4.5% fat in Japan and I know a lot of Japanese people who've had homogenized milk in Canada say that it's thin.
3 fruit milk
I don't think it really exists outside of Asia and if it does, it's a drink you'd find in an Asian supermarket, but fruit milk is like the watery version of a fruit yogurt drink.
4 cow sounds and Japanese
Japanese animal sounds are pretty different from North American animal sounds, but I'm sure it's like that when comparing different countries. In Japan, they think their cows make a "mooou" sound (モゥー) and Yoko's using the same sound for the Japanese もう for "enough" to say that Karina's drinking too much milk that even the cows are complaining.
5 W杯
Japanese people seem to think that adding a W in front of something is the same as saying, "double." As for 杯 (hai), it's a counter for cups, so W杯 could stand as shorthand for World Cup.
6 don't have to change your surname
In Japan, married women always change their maiden name to their husband's. If you, for example, try to say, "Ah, what about Yamada Yu? She didn't change her last name to Oguri," well, you're wrong. Her professional name hasn't changed, but her legal name has and if you think I'm joking, check out her appearance on Shabekuri 007 this year when she talks about experiencing what it's like to be referred to as Oguri-san at places like city hall.
Yikes, I feel like this was a crazy long summary! But, I did enjoy the episode and it's always nice when the guest knows who they are more than just, "They're Jyannis." Maru's half-assed marriage proposal was pretty clever, though! I'd have melted right there and then. As much as I love Subaru, I could easily marry any one of them (but not Hina… we wouldn't get along!). A lot of fan blogs were remarking how refreshing it is to see Subaru's forehead. Who knew it would come to that!? I don't mind it, either. I was bored last week and watched a 2007 episode of Tsuyoshi-kun's Shoujiki Shindoi when K8 came and man, Subaru's hair there was really hot.
By the way, I know I said I'd be releasing 8EST MC summaries/translations, but I want to get caught up with Janiben because it takes much, much longer to write the summary and take caps than to do a quick translation and 6-7 caps for the MCs. I'm almost caught up, so I'll probably have Speedwagon's episode out this week and then I won't have so much backlog of the longer stuff. MC is three hours long, but I didn't say I was going to do all of it, so all of the Janiben I had sitting on the backburner probably take way more time to get through.