Some reactions from Chinese internet users to Battlefield 4 preview footages
E3 footage Siege of Shanghai posted on Youku
视频: 【战地4:中国崛起】上海之围预售宣传片(E3 2013) 呵呵呵,这个游戏说明美国人开始有点怕咱们了!
Huh huh huh, this game shows that Americans are starting be a bit scared of us!
This s* ain't a game no more.
There's no way a legal copy would be allowed to be sold here (in China)
Guess the game would be a coupla hundred RMB, crappy problem isn't the game but the expensive graphics card!
It's America laying siege to Shanghai? Or is it Taliban militants?
Not even a bit realistic, Huangpu River isn't this blue
一点都不真实 黄浦江的水是黄色的 还得有些死猪
Not a bit realistic. Huangpu River's water is yellow, and there's gotta be some dead pigs floating in there too
This game's gonna be banned for sure.
Youtube footage:
Click to view