Mar 05, 2011 13:55
I'm not even going to TRY to actually catch up since I last posted, since I last posted in 2009 and, frankly, even I don't remember everything that happened during that time period.
It is now 2011 and I'll be 26 years old soon. It feels strange. I'm over the middle line of my 20's and am skidding toward 30. I don't entirely know how I feel about that. I've never really been one to compare myself to others, since I know I'm me and not anybody else, so I can't really count on anyone else to be a reliable marker with which to gauge myself. I'm healthy, I'm happy, I'm in a wonderful city with a wonderful partner who I'll be marrying at some point in the future, my job is pretty good... I would like more friends, I suppose, but I think pretty much everyone says that. So, yeah, things are pretty good, really.
What do I want... I want a job that I truly LOVE. Like, a place that I'm excited to go to everyday. My problem in that regard is that I'm fickle and my passions shift constantly. I might find the job of my dreams and then decide that it's not my dream anymore two months later. But if I could find a job in a little bookshop... Oh, that would be AMAZING. Unfortunately, jobs in little bookshops are about as common as cows with long shimmering wings.
Justin's taking getting older a LOT harder than I am. He's worried that he's not successful enough, but when I ask him what, exactly, he means by "enough" he doesn't have any answers. His dad wants him to go to grad school and be an academic. Justin wants to do something involving writing or video games. They're both vague enough that it's not really all that helpful to anyone. I want Justin to be happy. Ideally, he'll have a job he likes and which will keep him on for a good year or two. He's working at Nintendo now, helping people with tech issues and he's liking it pretty well. He's had a couple of rough days, but overall the people he's helping seem pretty pleasant and he feels really good about being able to set things right for them. I'm really proud of him--this is the kind of job he'd never really considered being able to do, and he's doing really well at it. My honey is an amazing man. <3
As for my creative life, it's been pretty blah. I don't have a lot of energy after work and I keep getting sucked into the internet. It's a boon to the modern world, to be sure, but it's also a pretty terrible crutch. Maybe I should download some kind of timer or something that will interrupt me. I keep thinking that I can control my own internet usage, but it's just too easy! Maybe I can make a New Year's resolution three months late and resolve to spend less time on my computer and more time drawing and sculpting and painting and doing all of those things which I love. I think that sounds like a good idea! :D
Well, I need to get some food in me and double-check my schedule to make sure I get to work on time. I'll write again! ...And, what's more, I'll write again before it's been nearly a year and a half.