Sep 18, 2007 11:56
I had, like, five sex dreams involving Justin last night. I don't know why... We didn't say anything racy or suggestive to one another. But my brain last night was all, "omg! JustinSex yay!"
I also had a really long and involved dream where I was late to work, but I was super hungry, so I stopped off at Pizza Hut which was actually this really seedy taqueria. Jenny, one of my team leaders, was in there but we just kind of decided not to acknowledge that we work together. I wanted to get some tapas, but the women behind the counter were just ignoring me. I was getting kind of pissed since I really needed to hurry, and then this really nice woman took my order. There was some confusion over whether I wanted one or two tapas (I wanted one) and she ended up giving me two. They were in the boxes we use to hold the small animals at work.
Then, as I was walking out so I could eat them on the way to Petco (which was across the street) this guy asked me if I wanted to see the half-bear. Apparently, this Mickey Mouse-themed restaurant across from the Pizza Hut had this giant stuffed bear, called the half-bear, that we could see through the windows. I went to look at it and then I was in the other restaurant. There were kids running all over and the half-bear was some kind of stuffed bear that had shoved its face through a small wildebeest so it was made of both of them. He looked for a minute like he was wearing a wildebeest hood, but on second look it was an entire wildebeest that he'd just... Shoved his head through.
I got to work about 20 minutes late and Jenny was already there. I was trying to explain her that I'd started out late and had gotten hungry, but I remembered at the last minute that we'd had lunch together (???) before I even headed out of the house.
I think I'm catching a cold. I hope I'm not and that I'm just reacting to the weather being cooler. I can see a few leaves changing outside my window. It's really exciting. This will be the first autumn I've ever seen.
Last night, Lisa and I went down to Traveler's in Seattle to listen to a lecture and puja given by Baba Padmakar from Varanasi. The lecture touched on a few different Hindu interpretations of various concepts like language, deity, and our relationship to both. He talked about how Hindus see deity in all things and that the gods are just parts of one great deity, which is something that I believe very closely. He also made a lot of emphasis on the sun, which I liked. I feel much closer to the sun than to any other celestial body. In any case, he basically vindicated everything that I personally believe which has reawakened my interest in learning more about Hinduism. He sang a few pujas and gave us one, plus a mantra to Shiva. It was pretty awesome and I'm really glad that I was able to go.
I don't know if I mentioned this in my last post, but Tammy sent me pictures of my new niece, Zoe Madeline Smith. She's really beautiful. I'm not saying this out of some "zomg! We're related! She's a hottie!" feeling, but that she's not blotchy or weird-shaped from passing through the birth canal. She's got a lot of hair and dark brown eyes. I'm so excited! :D I'm going to make a post in the next couple of days with pictures of various things like Zoe, Methuselah, Khonsu (who just clawed the fuck out of my leg accidentally), some of the more interesting things I see on the way to work, and so on.
However, I'm going to go heat up some taquitos and do my laundry before I have to leave for work. Mwa! :D