*brushes cobwebs off journal*

Feb 29, 2016 10:18

I keep meaning to post an "Hey long time no see, this is what has been happening" post but then I get bogged down with the idea of writing out what the past year or two of my life has been like... then I give up.

SO I'm just going to skip all that for now and share this link for anyone that may find themselves interested in running. Jogging. Walking. Crawling. Really whatever your mode of running is, if you'd like more of it ;)


Basically it's a schedule of sorts to "train" you to work up to running a 5k. It's really been a goal of mine for nearly 3 years to run at least a 5k. This is coming from someone who has never been able to RUN in her life. I could sprint, once upon a time. But running any sort of distance has always been hell. I did manage to work myself up to running 2 miles (veryyy slowly), but then caught a nasty flu virus that knocked me out for nearly 2 weeks. By then, I felt like I was starting over. So my enthusiam sort of died there.

BUT the weather is starting to beckon me outside again, and I find myself wanting to lace up my sneakers and get back that endurance. So I plan on trying this schedule to hopefully prep me for a 5k in a few months or so. June/July. I figured writing it down somewhere would give me some sort of accountability :3

I have been walking a lot lately, and jumping on my mini trampoline, and generally trying to maintain a certain level of activity.. but I haven't actually ran in a while. We'll see how it goes!

I got a fitbit, finally, so if anyone uses theirs and would like to add me, my email is rosner.jm@gmail.com

ALSO if you've never read the Oatmeal's (kind of long) comic on running....... you should. It's great.
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