Uruha Making Report
Photo Page:
http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/5324/makingreportpicqw9.jpg Again, please make sure your browser doesn't make the image smaller, or you won't really be able to see the pictures properly.
THESE ARE FROM RIGHT TO LEFT. Make sure you're not reading them the wrong way. =D
Top Blurb:
An explanation of the three patterns of Uruha (black hair, special makeup, clothes). First, we started with the black haired Uruha in a suit, changed into a tanktop, did the special makeup on his legs -> arms -> neck, and last put on the white clothes for the photoshoot. Here are some captioned photos to show what kind of photoshoot we had with three Uruhas!
1. Japan's photoshoot menu and Uruha's usual "Frisk" (Frisk is a brand of Japanese gum.)
2. Conscious of his expression. Pretty sexy!
3. Out of many costumes, we have to choose our two favourite.
4. The designer gives exact instructions on expression and angle.
5. Because we can't see his whole figure, it looks like a display. This is the front of a man!!
6. During special makeup. Painting by brush was too ticklish, so he let slip "Oh~" (laugh)
7. After changing into the tanktop, photoshoot pattern two begins.
8. As soon as we took a picture, we had to do a style check!
9. From above it looked like this.
10. To praise him, a snapshot of when he couldn't move!
11. Drying the painted plaster on his arm. The dryer was cool air!
12. Photo of the special makeup. No longer for painting handicrafts.
13. The top store's first presentation! From the back.
14. Costume to go with the makeup. This took 4 days to make! We're very grateful!
15. What we made him put on his head was this. The makeup artists did it themselves!
16. The last pattern is many layered fabrics.
17. In order to take a good picture, he even laid and rolled around on the floor! With plenty of spirit!!
18. Time to destroy the nice costume. What a waste~
19. By the way, the fabric in the back was some 12 meters long!!
20. He was standing on a 20 centimeter wide box, so he couldn't move and it was pretty tiring!