Uruha Polaroid Diary
Photo Page:
http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/9927/uruhapoladiaryym7.jpgMake sure your browser doesn't make the image smaller, or the images come out fuzzy. (If it does, just click the picture to make it the original size again.) Sorry for the crappiness. I don't have a scanner. Digitcal cameras FTW!
Left to Right
1. Urameshiya (Urameshiya is a restaurant... I'm not sure why he wrote this.)
2. It's very gentle.
3. Gu~ Gugu~! (This is the catchphrase of a currently popular comedian.)
4. It... it tickles!
5. I can't move at all~
6. Special makeup
7. My photoshoot clothes
8. I'm a ghost.
Text and Blurb
Text: Polaroid Diary
Blurb: This polaroid diary from the photoshoot is an extra! Uruha did this by himself, except for taking the pictures! In the bottom right photo, is he like a ghost...? Or a snowfairy...? Or... Anyway, he definitely doesn't look like a human! About the top middle photo, we don't see Uruha's black hair very often... Actually, it's a first! Let's keep it in our memory. Black hair suits him!! He decided to use the popular "Gu~" as well. (laugh)