Monday day 10

Aug 14, 2017 19:29

I spent the morning by the upper room shady deck window habdfeeding the chickadees and studying the path and covenant of the priesthood. It was so interesting to study it. Abe hung out with me a bunch.

Willem was going to town, so as abe had gone to sleep I went along for the ride. We went to Tim Hortons, home hardware and Wendy's before I chose a good lookout in the parking lot at the grocery store.

I played my violin, pleased with how much better it was sounding with All this practice! Till he came back out of the store.

We took the cold stuff home. The bell guy was there fixing our phones and our internet. Hopefully I'll be able to upload soon.

I wanted to sit by water, so willem drive me to the lake do I could just sit there by the water for awhile. He's so patient with me!

We went home to give Abe an hourly cigarette. There wasn't room to park in the driveway, so I contentedly sat in the car and played the violin. I like my spot up on two cushions. I could watch the comings and goings better. I enjoyed my spot in the road looking at the purple coneflowers!

Scarlett came out to bring me some blueberries with almond milk. She came and joined me where we chatted merrily. Very nice to hang out. I have had a lot of stinking thinking going on lately so haven't been that pleasant to be around.

Jason came over to chat about the studio and to move stuff forward with the electrical inspector.

Bo and willem came over to join the conversation for awhile. But nature called and everyone scattered.

Willem had some more errands in town so we have gone to Canadian tire. These cushions aren't in the right position anymore, so I should work on fixing them!

scarlett, willem, bo, abe

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