60 times around the sun

Sep 14, 2015 13:40

Today I had a birthday party at Alina's house. I went over there at 7:30 to play with she and Desmond her and Desmond. Dad saw Tisch in town and they both came over with cake and flowers so we had a birthday party at Allied us. We played I spy with my little eye.

I came home and less was working on the tiles for the woodstove. I went outside and moved one plant. I tried to weed a bit. I'm afraid of getting pain again.

Willem and I clean the leaves off the deck anD sat down. He removed the Christmas lights from some of the trees.

So, we went for a walk to the bridge. Because of the recent rain, the stream was very fast. We identified flowers then came back to the house.

New England aster

common wood aster
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