Feb 04, 2015 10:56
How lovely to look at the kitchen now. I sorted all the stuff that was out, cluttering the kitchen floor. I put up a rack on the door and hung up my coat. I realized I could probably fit two laundry baskets side by side in the empty spot beside the stove where I want to create a closet. I put the boots and footwear in a laundry basket, and put it in the empty spot beside the stove, put the basket of dirty laundry beside it and stood to look at it. Perfect.
I did all the dishes, including the gallon glass jars Willem has been emptying nettles out of. I took the throw rugs out into the woodshed and shook them out. How much nicer that is! I swept the floor and even washed a bit of it.
I dejunked a couple of laundry baskets in the living room containing kitchen stuff and realized how much room Willem has created for me by emptying six gallon glass jars. They had been full of nettles, but after he removed the stems and ground the leaves down to powder, I have two empty cupboards I can use for stuff that is in my way elsewhere! Meanwhile I listened to the radio.
I also burned a bunch of cardboard and paper bits that were filling an entire laundry basket. I just wanted some room in there to move about! There is far too much stuff in there from the kitchen that I don't really need or use. Time to send it all to the reuse center.
That took me from 7:45 till after 9. We have a problem with the grey water now. I think it is frozen out there, so the washing machine and kitchen sink empty up into the downstairs bathtub. I bailed 20 gallons out into the toilet, which is on the septic, until my lower back screamed loudly enough that I could no longer ignore it.
So now I get to do nothing but be online for awhile!