Dec 31, 2014 15:17
I ate a piece of Christmas stollen and almost immediately felt light headed. I sat at the loom and wove, then painted the edges in the downstairs bathroom. I still feel zapped of all energy. I'm eating a wagon wheel the Lees left with us to see if it will help my blood sugar or something.
Is it a reaction to the home ground wheat? It doesn't usually affect me like this. I feel more whacked out than I do with peanut butter.
Or am I getting something that hits you like a brick? Well. I'll ignore it.
I made a lovely pot of soup on the wodstove.
The arc the sun makes now is so low in the sky, just above the distant trees. Amazing how it always comes in the side windows when it is so low like this!
The wind is blowing strongly at the moemnt. A strong wind is blowing. snow is billowing around off the roof where the 1/4" sow landed last night.
Les put the walls around the bathtub over the shower plumbing! We now have a shower! Yippee!
healthy body