Dec 10, 2014 15:10
I called my cousin, Mary on facetime. We had a wonderful visit, or morning together. I took her around and showed her all the changes that had happened in the house upstairs especially. I set my ipod in the gorilla tripod, set it on the loom bench and got out my violin.
I practiced Oh Little Town of Bethlehem, Away in a manger, Let it Snow, and Royal David's City. I played each of them over and over, enjoying the lovely sound with my eyes closed. I played long enough that I stopped making too many mistakes. I am getting pretty good at playing the violin now!
Mary was at her house far away enjoying the Christmas background music. What a lovely time we were having. She'd compliment my playing at all the right places and Willem would clap from the distant bedroom.
AFter a long while, I turned the glider around so I could face the window. I put my sewing boxes back into the back of the room and my green chair with its back to the living room. I turned my spinning wheel around in front of the chair and sat down. A black squirrel ran up and down the trunk several times while I sat.
I found the end of the yarn I was making and tucked it through the hole in the bobbin holder. I added some new roving and pushed my foot down to rotate the spinning wheel. I pulled back on the roving as the spin began to collect on the other side of my fingers. I pulled the roving more till it was only a few threads thick, then released the spin into my hands. I repeated the process, the wheel spinning continually with my foot on the pedal. It felt nice to spun a bit.
I loved watching the squirrel just a close reach outside the window. When my ipod ran out of battery, I headed into our bedroom and sat by the chickadees. There are four of them vying for the feeder. Grand central at the feeder again.
The great chunk of suet I had left on the table in a great plastic bag to thaw so I could add it to the feeder, had thawed overnight. I opened the window at the end of the room and took the feeder off the hooks. I put the suet bag out onto the roof beside the feeder and proceeded to stuff the suet into the tubular large gauge wire feeder. After much shoving and small pieces falling off, I finally got the rest of the suet in and back up on the hooks.
My hands were filthy and the bag stank. I took it down to the garbage in the kitchen. I wanted to wash my hands but there was no soap at the sink. Willem opened the bathroom door for me. I was so glad to get that gooey fat off my hands!
There are downy woodpeckeers, nuthatches and chickadees at the sunflower seed feeder by my chair window. The suet has been of interest to the blue jays and the hairy woodpeckers. It'll freeze up solidly again soon out in this cold snowy weather.
christmas carols,