Sep 01, 2014 17:36
Desmond went over to play at his aunt's all day as Alida and Jean left early to clean out their new rental house which the former tenants had trashed. I would have babysat, but I was quite glad to get some work done in the garden.
I took two gabapentin before I started working on the daylilies, figuring it would keep the sciatic pain away. It worked, too.
Abe was dropped off as Chantal went to Quebec City for a few days. I hope he is content to be here!
Willem cut up some soil for me, moved wheelbarrow loads of weeds to the compost. He dug holes for posts and found posts to put in the new holes along my new garden beds. It helps to delineate the edges of the bed.
I have a new pathway down to the bottom of that hill which bypasses the end of that bed, so I've been planting daylilies up the side of it now, also.
I'm so pleased with the progress I'm making getting the daylilies separated and planted. I keep having to go down to the pond to bring up some more clumps to work on!
I guess heeling the daylilies in is what I am doing. Some clumps are filled with such small daylilies, with such a matt of plants that it is nearly impossible to get them apart without breaking off most of the tubers. Ankaret said the tubers will grow, though.
I went over to visit with her in the afternoon. I am going to bring her some sambo wilder and some Priscilla's rainbow rootstock. I thought I'd put some others in baggies and label them so she can have them as well. I am quite surprised by how lovely the flowers are going to be on these plants! So exciting!
Willem and I went into town for my appointment at Canadian tire to get the oil changed. It was way overdue. I loved the heat, so bought another antigravity chair and set it up in the parking lot under a tree where I could relax beside my walker and talk on the phone!
We dropped by to see their new house, had a little tour and got to our appointment on time.
Alida and Jean were hungry and tired when they got home, so Willem and I made a nice supper for them, stirfry and salad and peas.
Abe went to sleep soon after coming home, got up at dinnertime and didn't eat, then went to bed for the night till morning.
I was quite tired, so went to bed around 9:30, myself.
Separated daylilies and heeled them in, in lines in the bottom long bed and the ones I'm creating beside it.