morning pages

Apr 10, 2014 10:51

April 10, 2014
11 am

We are off to the temple today. I just saw our deer, Dot and Wolf crossing the road 3km from home. They are probably so happy to finally be able to browse on the

ground. We still have patches of snow between us and the dump and more beyond it, where the edars are shading the ground and the roadside.

I am glad we are going to the temple today. I am glad we are also in a spiritual frame of mind. I lay in bed this moring for a couple of hours reading facebook posts

and notifications. It never stops. With people all over the world as friends on there, the posts continue round the clock.

WE have a lovely blue sky today. We are also riding behind a snow plow turned grader. it's nice to drive slowly so i have a chane to expore the woods beneath the

trees as we drive slowly by. I'm glad Willem is driving today. I'm going to enjoy the ride and also am going to catch up on journaling for yesterday and the day


I think that was swallowtail and another deer lying in the sun from a knoll watching the road. how sweet. I don't think i would have seen them if we had been driving

fast instead of slowly behind the grader. he turned off going towards the lake.

i have heard a few birds over the past few days. They were quiet when i was hammocking yesterday, but i did see a starling trying to get up into the eaves outside of

our new bedroom window.

I like my new ipod 5th geeration. It's got better stuff for filming with. I can enlarge as i film. I mean zoom. I can zoom during a filming. It is so pretty here

as we drive. i can't believe how fortunate we are to live here in this gorgeous place. The little streams are amazing as they cut black crooked lines in the white

snow. The grey brown grgrass or hay covered ground is snowing up in places. it will need another rain to wash the snow webs off. snow webs are interesting

phenomena. As the snow melts, when it is just about gone, what remains is a web like a cobweb on the ground.

i just saw a well packed road straight across a pond marshland. there were red metal stakes showing where the edges of the trail drive across the ice were.

Someone asked my yesterday if i was excited and ready for spring planting. I couldn't conceive of what she was saying, as we are still surrounded by snow at home.

Spring thaw being a season of its own, it deserves the respect and love afforded to all the other seasons, not just a wish that it would hurry up and be done!

The snow in patches, the ground in patches, the deer sitting on patches of newly emerged ground, being albe to see through the bare trees into the snowcovered or snow

dappled hills, the ice on the lakes in various stages of ice coveredness, these are beautiful times to be appreciated i love the look of the black streams winding

through the snow. They are black meltwater, not year round streams. They don't exist at any time other than right now.

Now is the time for sitting in chairs beside the stream, for taking daily pictures of the height and fullsness and overflow of the stream.

The rivesres are beautiful now, too. They are full, rippling with short, crooked silver lines. We just stopped to look at a pair of geese nesting on the bank of the

river. This river runs from the huge lake where we have been camping before. It's a wonderful place. The two geese were on the other side of the river, on the edge

of a lowlying floodplain covered with cattails grasses or reeds.

You know, the other day I looked through photos of the kids and our past, i recognized myself surrounded by builrushes that i didnt' realize were usable for

basketmaking. I have an urge to make a basket now. I want to soak willow and work it. I'd like to make a white plastic basket the size and shape of a file folder

for my laptop. I would first wind the white strapping aroun dit, then i would take short ones and weave down to the fold and up the other side. What a nice basket

that would make! It would be easy to make a basket that way, too.

The formations of rocks in the ground anre so amazing. I should probably stop writing and just take photos. You can paint the photos with words, but it takes ten

thousand to paint a rock. They ahve so many cuts and jagged sides, so many shades and colours. Gneiss seems to be the most common kind of rock around here.
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