Tired, landing in Ottawa

Dec 21, 2012 19:20

This post was published to Nancy Land at 10:58:09 PM 12/22/2012

Dec. 21, 2012

I’m quite tired. I didn’t eat anything nutritious yet. I had some reeces cups this morning, then that popcorn this afternoon, followed by an orange. Two sprites on the planes and three small bottles of water today.

I am rather concerned about the foot deep snow we have to wade through to get into the house tomorrow. We may even have to walk up the road to the lane. I do hope not. I don’t have any boots on. At least I have my parka, but it doesn’t sound like it’s too cold there, anyway.

I want to get some physiotherapy for my leg muscles. I also want to enjoy our nice home.

I’d like to build a 8’ ceiling in the living room so the house is easier to heat and so we have more space for storing stuff. Maybe even a stairway up to the new loft.

travel, flying day, ga dec 2012, weather

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