Oct 06, 2012 12:00
- Fri, 12:01: Plug in a power bar (or two) with a long cord, attach it to the wall with screws behind the (@ YouTube http://t.co/TfPSybag)
- Fri, 12:07: I'm using my homemade laundry soap again. Not using too much is really important~! (@ YouTube http://t.co/9QFg192V)
- Fri, 12:08: Everyone loves watching you cut soap! (@ YouTube http://t.co/3XbMsdUT)
- Fri, 12:13: LOL! (@ YouTube http://t.co/JY8v3dQ1)
- Fri, 13:37: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/nybi0Gm5 Nancy Today: Holland 201 Walking with Willem
- Fri, 13:55: I guess so. (@ YouTube http://t.co/edBSCL2k)
- Fri, 14:29: Maow has come home to live!!! http://t.co/oS4YLJuj
- Fri, 14:32: Making felted slipper boots http://t.co/SwoWy5F0
- Fri, 14:48: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/L6RIgYBZ Nancy Today: Holland 202 Walking with Willem
- Fri, 15:10: Aww! Sorry! (@ YouTube http://t.co/LzKzVUIL)
- Fri, 15:13: Maybe I'm holding it wrong. (@ YouTube http://t.co/AuuAtwvt)
- Fri, 15:18: lying in the hammock, about to go to town http://t.co/qFhCLacd
- Fri, 15:19: YOu must inspire many people! (@ YouTube http://t.co/V1OlXstc)
- Fri, 15:30: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/fULLSbN2 Nancy Today: Holland 203
- Fri, 16:37: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/HWqWf87S Nancy Today: Holland 204 My dutch notes Canal in Vlaardingen
- Fri, 16:57: I'm so glad it helped you! (@ YouTube http://t.co/zPj81ok0)
- Fri, 16:58: It does, but it doesn't work, remember? I tried to make some instant videos with it but no (@ YouTube http://t.co/A0QFRn0K)
- Fri, 17:23: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/9ufLHazN Nancy Today: Holland 205 table legs and bike houses
- Fri, 17:42: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/iErGvJp0 Nancy Today: HOlland 206 Dutch clouds on our walk
- Fri, 18:48: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/wM3UAlug Nancy Today: Holland 207 Window shopping
- Fri, 19:03: I have a window that opens in the kitchen over the sink now too! Yippee! (@ YouTube http://t.co/7YbrOm9n)
- Fri, 19:05: Yes, well, we've been here 16 years and things haven''t changed! (@ YouTube http://t.co/TfPSybag)
- Fri, 19:06: I would come, but I have thanksgiving this weekend! Did you go to the last youtube gathering (@ YouTube http://t.co/7YbrOm9n)
- Fri, 19:07: I'm going to practice my spinning at my mom's! I'll be good one day! (@ YouTube http://t.co/VwEqR0Oo)
- Fri, 19:10: I love those little babies! What time is bedtime now that Tyler's in school? (@ YouTube http://t.co/jCuQWSbr)
- Fri, 19:22: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/UmrG8Jjm Nancy Today: Holland 208 Rain in Vlaardigen
- Fri, 19:24: You're so welcome! (@ YouTube http://t.co/zPj81ok0)
- Fri, 19:25: Yes, I bet! (@ YouTube http://t.co/g1xGPxzl)
- Fri, 19:26: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/FunVehKv Nancy Today: Holland 209 Dutch sky
- Fri, 20:08: Thank you, sims! (@ YouTube http://t.co/waq5eAy4)