Jun 20, 2012 12:01
Tue, 13:02 : I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/LcXhAQzX Nancy Today: Tempo update Tue, 13:33 : Very good point! I always did that. (@ YouTube http://t.co/8Ez7dQwQ ) Tue, 13:34 : You'd love it for sure! (@ YouTube http://t.co/8Ez7dQwQ ) Tue, 15:05 : It'll be great fun! (@ YouTube http://t.co/8Ez7dQwQ ) Tue, 15:07 : Okay, that's good. then I won't feel bad about 'going into my own head' when I (@ YouTube http://t.co/SW7ke597 ) Tue, 15:15 : Errands with Abe, harvested cedar bark http://t.co/wC9JF9Nu Tue, 15:57 : I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/xYPLB4ui Nancy Today: Tue, 19:23 : I swam a mile! http://t.co/LJw7lBEO Tue, 19:25 : Dig the rest of the pond out? http://t.co/mnI0bP8b Tue, 19:30 : I wonder what i should make for dinner. I loved those noodles we had at that restaurant with Alida and Oma. She said … http://t.co/qDTDq77t Tue, 20:06 : that's jfobug, Tyler and Tanner! I love being Nana! (@ YouTube http://t.co/xYPLB4ui ) Tue, 20:08 : We don't have any ticks that I know of, I've never had one in 35 years here! D (@ YouTube http://t.co/xYPLB4ui ) Tue, 20:08 : I wish you could come for a visit! (@ YouTube http://t.co/xYPLB4ui ) Tue, 20:09 : New Directions Aromatics (@ YouTube http://t.co/OFeza8jc ) Tue, 20:10 : Canada never gets hot! (@ YouTube http://t.co/cZdfnBC1 ) Tue, 20:11 : I doubt it's too warm. I wear a wetsuit and my hands and feet are warm, so it (@ YouTube http://t.co/MDGWOXkA ) Tue, 20:12 : I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/FRHYaOWh Nancy Today: Joe Pye tipi with Jen Tue, 21:48 : I wish she were! I'm Nana to her little ones. We met here when I first starte (@ YouTube http://t.co/FRHYaOWh ) Tue, 21:49 : This was your first comment to me! (@ YouTube http://t.co/5tfIRlUG ) Tue, 21:53 : I just love looking at him! They are such adorable little people! (@ YouTube http://t.co/gv5yp4nq ) Tue, 21:58 : You have been sorely missed! Are you all better now? Jen's my dear friend who (@ YouTube http://t.co/LME3V4YW ) Tue, 22:12 : i loved it! angel cake takes 14eggs , i think i remember. (@ YouTube http://t.co/hMqMPsb6 ) Tue, 22:19 : I love watching Tanner! I love that little booster seat he can't fall out of! (@ YouTube http://t.co/KMA57BiN ) Tue, 22:21 : When I hear him crying, I feel like you're here and I need to pick him up! (@ YouTube http://t.co/KMA57BiN ) Tue, 22:45 : New Directions Aromatics (@ YouTube http://t.co/OFeza8jc ) Wed, 07:07 : I wish you could come! How long will I have to wait? (@ YouTube http://t.co/GGYmnT5F ) Wed, 07:22 : I love wearing dresses. I'm sure pants were a man's idea! Except men probably (@ YouTube http://t.co/xYPLB4ui ) Wed, 07:24 : I went around dumping out everything that holds water and got rid of a lot of t (@ YouTube http://t.co/xYPLB4ui ) Wed, 07:34 : I know! Amazing. (@ YouTube http://t.co/5tfIRlUG ) Wed, 07:37 : Awww, it's so good to see you! You look so happy! I'll have to show you my sh (@ YouTube http://t.co/d4vrMpUz )