Nov 03, 2010 07:52
I got up when it was still early. We went to bed at nine last night. I have been labelling the cattail workshop videos. I'm not watching them, as labelling them takes long enough. I hope I am labelling them correctly.
I listened to two sessions of saturday morning general conference, then made pancakes for Abey for breakfast. He took his headset so he wouldn't have to hear me pray with him as we walked down the hill, so I said a prayer while he ate, then didn't walk down the hill with him.
Willem's picking up a cello for him to rent, today after work, as he left home around 6:30 instead of later.
My pancakes turned out very nicely. They were just wonderfully golden. I did them in the gridle as the burners are covered with the liquid soap that spilled over the other day.
The soap has gotten too thick again, so I watered it down some more and have it heating a bit.
abey music,
nancy today,