Aug 25, 2010 13:08
I'm trying to split some long videos with a downloaded video spliter. I don't think it's doing what I need it to do, though. We'll see.
Joanne called. She has a container of clay for me again. I'll go over there after I drop off Abe at Nick's home.
I need to get another container for the clay for her to save her scraps in for me and I need to fill up my little gas can and put in some gas not-let-it-separate stuff.
I mowed part of the lawn. My thyme pathways are looking nice between the kale and tomato plants. They've grown quite well.
I tidied up a little bit in the house and took a few things downstairs to empty the room up there for Abe. I have a dresser in there that needs emptying, also. I don't have a place for any of that stuff in our bedroom downstairs, though.
Abey showed me how he can play the electric guitar now. It's quite amazing how well he has learned the various techniques. He's using 'tapping' now. It means not having to pluck the strings.
He has mixing software, too. I loved seeing how that works! It made me want to do it, too! I wonder if Alida has that and uses it. Good stuff. Starts with an A.
abey music,