Feb 03, 2008 11:00
Sunday, Feb. 3, 2008
11 am
My goal for this year is to fast every first Sunday of the month. So for the second month in the year, I did it. I went without food or water for 24 hours. I didn't spend the time in prayer and scripture study, though, so it wasn’t the experience it could have been if I'd taken the time to do that!
We took separate cars to church as Willem had PEC (priesthood executive correlation meeting) and Correlation meetings before Sacrament.
We picked up Alida at 9:15. She looked beautiful. It was nice not to be squished into one car!
We sat together in church. Very few people were in attendance at church. I imagine they are sick, or perhaps depressed with the weather. We were there, though.
Daniel blessed the sacrament and Abey passed it. They make me very proud!