Avenging Reid

Apr 07, 2012 01:19

Title: Avenging Reid
Author: nancygrew
Rating: PG [a swear or two]
Disclaimer: characters belong to atwt
Notes: Written for Fun Fic Fridays on Lure_ATWT for the prompt 'Revenge'. Takes place July 2015. You probably don't have to read any of my other fic but it might help.
Summary: Someone's mean to Reid. Revenge is had.

“I’m not late,” muttered Reid defensively as he hurried into Oakdale Memorial’s boardroom. “It’s eleven o’clock on the nose.”

“Nothing like waiting to arrive until the last minute. Bob always arrived at least ten minutes early for the meetings,” replied Leland Pierce, Reid’s board meeting nemesis. As far as nemeses went, Leland wasn’t bad. Reid normally only had to deal with him at the monthly board meetings and even then Luke normally managed to distract and/or charm Leland into behaving before Reid felt the need to enumerate Leland’s, and Leland’s mother’s, various shortcomings. Reid’s current least favorite nemesis was the new barista at Java. The kid was responsible for Reid’s initial caffeine fix of each day and therefore had a much bigger impact on Reid’s life and the lives of those who had interactions with Reid. Jeez, how hard was it to remember to put caramel in a caramel latte? It’s part of the name, for Hippocrates’ sake!

“To be fair, Bob wasn’t one of the most in demand neurosurgeons in the country,” said Luke. “Because he didn’t do a lot of surgeries, it was a little easier for Bob to schedule his time when he was Chief of Staff.”

“One of the most in demand neurosurgeons in the country?” huffed Reid. “I’m number one with a bullet. The Big Kahuna of Brainology.”

“Anyway . . . I think the first order of business for this board meeting should be the new website about Dr. Oliver,” said Leland.

There were several murmurs of agreement.

“What website is this?” asked Lucinda while tapping her pen against her notebook.

Reid felt a moment of what a lesser man might consider panic. Luke’s friend Will Munson had recently [and drunkenly] confessed to Reid that his wife Gwen and her best friend, Maddie Coleman aka Hank’s Sister, had started a hobby of writing something called RPF slash fanfic about Luke and Reid. Reid wasn’t exactly sure what it was but he was pretty sure it was something filthy and depraved; not that Reid normally had a problem with things that were filthy and depraved. Will had assured Reid that it was something that Gwen and Maddie shared only with each other.

“The website’s called ‘Reid Oliver is a Jackass,’” replied Jessica Griffin, the newest board member.

Reid turned towards Luke. “Your mom started a website about me?”

“No!” exclaimed Luke. “Well, probably not.”

“What’s on this website?” asked Lucinda.

“Well, my favorite part are the haikus,” answered Jessica. “The author manages to fit in the word jackass in each one.”

Reid snorted. He liked Jessica, more or less, even if she was the ex-wife of one of his neurosurgeons. Whenever Reid was unfortunate enough to be stuck in a room at the same time as Jessica Griffin and Ben Harris, he could swear the temperature went down thirty degrees. Luke had once mentioned to Reid that he found it sad whenever two people who had once been in love were unable to maintain a friendship after their romantic relationship was over. Reid had rolled his eyes. People were morons, mostly. If you weren’t in love with them, or in love with someone related to them, why would you feel the need to be friends?

“I think that the parts that are of the most concern to us are the allegations of unprofessional behavior. Like Caesar’s wife, the Chief of Staff of the Hospital has to be beyond reproach,” sniffed Leland.

Reid forwent responding with a comment about Leland’s wife.

“Are the allegations libelous?” asked Luke. “Or are they just pointing out Reid’s . . . charming idiosyncrasies?”

“Hey, I’m not unprofessional,” said Reid. “I hardly ever make anyone cry anymore.”

“What are these accusations?” asked a frowning Lucinda.

Leland shot Luke an embarrassed glance. “Well, for one thing, he’s accused of seducing the boyfriends of patients. And for sleeping his way into being the Chief of Neurosurgery prior to becoming Chief of Staff.”

Reid huffed in aggravation. “How many times do I have to tell everyone that I didn’t get into Snyder’s pants until months after we started working on the neurowing together?”

“You actually don’t have to tell anyone that,” sniffed Luke. “Ever.”

“Do we know who created this website?” asked Lucinda.

“The site’s anonymous,” replied Jessica. “It’s brand new. There are various forums on the site with multiple user names but I suspect that each of the different user names are actually for the same person. The syntax and misspellings are similar in each of the postings.”

“Well, if it’s a lone lunatic, we’d probably be best served by ignoring the thing,” said Luke. “We don’t want to bring any publicity to it.”

“Some of the accusations are pretty horrific,” said Board Member with the Freckles. “One of the allegations is that Dr. Oliver manipulated his way into a senile Bob Hughes’ good graces in order to get the Chief of Staff job.”

“Ouch,” said Lucinda. “Accusations about Bob being senile are going to infuriate Kim. I’ll be using incredibly expensive and conscienceless attorneys to destroy the web creator’s life and career. But Kim? She’ll probably gut him or her like a fish.”

Several board members nodded in agreement.

“There are also a lot of postings that state you pressure patients into having risky surgeries just so that you can bask in the glory,” said Board Member with the Bad Perm nervously.

“We should bring Susan Stewart into the meeting if she’s free,” said Reid. “We might want to consider putting something on the hospital website repudiating the professional charges against me. My preference is that we ignore any of the allegations about me that are of a personal basis.”

“Really?” asked Luke while typing on his laptap. “I’m pretty sure that there’s one or two people on the planet who don’t know when exactly you got into my pants.”

“I’m sure Emily Stewart will be willing to do a Q and A with me for The Intruder,” assured Reid.

“Jessica, I’m trying to bring the website up on my laptop in order to see if I recognize the misspellings and syntax, but I can’t find the site,” said Luke. “Are you sure of the website name?”

“Yeah,” replied Jessica. “I was on it this morning looking at a couple of really rude drawings of Reid with farm animals.”

She and several other members of the board started typing away at their laptops trying to access the site.

“The site must have been taken down,” said Lucinda in frustration.

“You’re upset that a website that has defamed your grandson-in-law has been removed?” asked Reid with curiosity.

“Yes!” replied Lucinda. “I was looking forward to demolishing the sorry soul who attacked one of my family. I had my suspicions about who the website creator is but if the website’s gone, I won’t be able to prove it. I do like to have some justification before I decimate my enemies. I’ll have to get one of my hackers, er . . ., one of my computer programmers to find the necessary information about the deleted site.”

“Who do you think the web creator is?” asked Jessica.

Lucinda pursed her lips and studiously avoided looking at Luke.

“I’m sure it’s not Noah, Grandmother,” said Luke.

When Lucinda raised her brow, Luke said, “Noah doesn’t like Reid but he’s an excellent speller.”

“It’s interesting that your defense of your ex-boyfriend is based upon his spelling ability instead of his character,” said a gleeful Reid.

“Since the website’s gone, I think we should consider it a non-issue for now and move on to the next order of business,” suggested Luke calmly. “I’ve done a little research about some possible grants for which the hospital may be eligible.”

While Luke herded the rest of the board into a discussion of grants, Lucinda shot a quick text to Reid. “IF NOT NOAH, ANY IDEAS?”




When Lucinda and Reid noticed Luke eyeballing them disapprovingly, they put away their phones and started concentrating on the meeting.

After the semi-productive meeting, Reid returned to his office to discover that MJ Snyder was waiting for him. MJ was Luke’s cousin on his adoptive father’s side via his father’s adopted sister and Luke’s biological half-uncle on his mother’s side. The Snyder family tree was always going to be the dumbest thing ever.

“Hey,” greeted Reid warily. MJ wasn’t one of the Snyders who purposefully sought out Reid in the general course of things. Sure, MJ and Reid were often at the same Snyder gatherings but Luke was the pivot of the ‘relationship’. As MJ also wasn’t one of the Snyders [*cough* Lily *cough*]who cried bitter tears when Precious Luke married him, Reid still counted MJ in the plus column when it came to Snyders Who Were Okay.

MJ grimaced nervously. “Okay, there was this really stupid website that called you a jerk so I hacked into it and destroyed it.”

Since MJ had spoken really quickly, it took a moment for Reid to parse what exactly he had said.

“Wait. What? You hack? I thought you designed web pages for local businesses like the Ward sisters’ bakery.”

“Uh, yeah. Before I moved back to Oakdale, I was a Federal agent. I did computer stuff for the government. Some of the stuff was . . . Anyway, when I quit, I decided that I enjoyed webpage design.”

“Did I know that you were a Federal agent?” asked a confused Reid.

“Uh, no. I was undercover so I would appreciate if you didn’t go blabbing about it.”

Reid was annoyed. MJ had seemed like that relatively rare thing known as a normal Snyder. And now it turned out that he had a mysterious past. Of course.

“Well, thank you for taking down the site. It was an embarrassment to the hospital. But I would assume that the person is just going to restart the site.”

MJ fidgeted. “I doubt the person will put it back up.”

“Who was it?”

“Chris Hughes.”

“That whiny little bastard! I haven’t even seen him in years and he’s trying to cause problems for my hospital! And he dragged his father into the mud, too?”

MJ shrugged. “You seem to cause strong reactions in people. It wouldn’t surprise me if there was some community located in the wilds of some exotic country that consists solely of people who met you once or twice but are spending their entire lives brooding about you.”

Reid knew that MJ probably didn’t mean that as a compliment but, man, would that be awesome! “Well, I’m even more grateful to you that you took care of it. I’m pretty sure Lucinda was going to avenge me and she’d probably feel a little bad afterwards if she metaphorically slayed Bob and Kim’s kid.”

“I found a video on his computer of his participating in a three-way with two of his neighbors and I emailed it anonymously to his wife,” said MJ. “I also emailed her about his secret bank account. Also? He’s cheated on his taxes for the last three years and I’ve notified the IRS.”

“Holy crap!”

“Look, I probably wouldn’t have told you about it at all but I didn’t want Luke to worry about someone out there having it in for you. I know you two don’t have secrets and I figured you could reassure him that it’s been taken care of and not to worry about it. You can even tell him about my previous work.”

“Why did you come to me instead of going to him?” asked Reid.

“One, you were the victim. Two, you and I are family, too, you know.”

“Well, I’ll give you the standard Snyder family discount for all future neurosurgeries,” replied Reid.

MJ smirked. “I think it’s been a couple of years since the last Snyder neurotrauma.”

“You know, if Lucinda knew about your skill set, she’d hire you in a minute,” said Reid.

“I really do like the creativity of web design,” said MJ. “And besides . . .”


“Well, when I worked in the government, I took down terrorists and organized crime figures. But Lucinda Walsh? She kind of scares me.”

rating: pg, !author|artist: nancygrew, genre: family, character: luke snyder, fan fiction, as the world turns, character: lucinda walsh, pairing: luke/reid, character: mj snyder

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