Title: The Not So Painful Truth
Author: nancygrew
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWT
Notes: Futurefic. Takes place late October 2010. You do not have to read the rest of my stories in order to understand this one.
Summary: Bob's retiring and Reid's the new Chief of Staff
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I did start despising her near the end but it was mostly for non Katie&Reid friendship stuff [changing medical records, wanting Chris to demand that she not go to Europe to help Henry, turning into The Martyred Widow and crying over everyone in town even though Chris was the one dying]. I include her in my stories as Reid's friend because I did love a lot about their friendship. I did however make an off-hand comment in one of my stories about how Reid found out about her changing the medical records and that it really damaged their friendship for awhile.
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