Life returns to what passes for normal

Oct 09, 2004 09:25

It's a week since my last post, because we've been so busy. I promise this is the last day-by-day update I'll do, okay?

Sunday, we decided that it was imperative we go to church. We hadn't been in over a month, what with hurricanes an' all, and I could tell that I needed it. There's something soothing about the ritual, and something peaceful and calming about being in a sacred space. There are also benefits that are impossible to explain in words, and that wouldn't make sense to believers. Anyway, since our home church of St. Catherine's was too far from Palm Harbor, we checked the website for the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida, and found a church only 5 minutes away. St. Alfred's proved to be a beautiful church, with an excellent choir and very nice, welcoming congregation. It did us worlds of good!

In the afternoon, we took Jack and Tina to see "Sky Captain." Fun! Can't wait for the sequel.......

Monday, when I called the park office from work, the power was back!!! Woohoo!! After work, I picked John up, loaded the car with all the stuff (including the clean clothes from four loads of laundry) and returned to the Casa de Walker. We stopped just long enough to turn on the A/C and went to dinner at Sonny's. By the time we got back, it was cool enough to live in. Slept really well, in our own beds, for the first time in 10 days.

Tuesday, life was returning to normal. Jezzie is a happy bunny - her humans are back, it's cool in the house, lights are going on and off at the appropriate times, and carrots appear on schedule.

Wednesday is always a long day, since I leave at 7:00am, and don't get home until 9:30pm, because of choir-practice. Today was busier than usual, because I had an appointment at West Coast Brace & Limb to get an item called a "night splint." It's a plastic-and-velco contraption that looks kind of like the back half of a ski-boot. Its purpose is to keep my foot at a 90-degree angle while I sleep, to keep the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia from contracting. By keeping the tendons stretched out, I should reduce and eventually eliminate the intense pain I've been having in my heel. A month of physical therapy has made it a lot less painful during the day, but mornings were still really bad. After wearing it Wednesday night, I had a pain-free morning for the first time since May! I'm still getting used to the darned thing; it's awkward and clunky - but worth every penny and every inconvenience!

It's now Saturday morning, and I'm looking forward to a bright new day of the house. I've finally managed to convince Corwyn that it's got to be done (no small feat - probably the hardest part of the whole enterprise), so we need to get as much done as possible before he changes his mind. I'm starting with the kitchen, since there's been a lingering odor since we got the power back on, and I'm determined to find and eliminate the source. Corwyn's going to try to unearth the back room where his machine is. I may need some of those search-and-rescue dogs before -that's- over!

Here we go!
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